Just forming a list of potential next steps - any volunteers would be appreciated -#cult
- Daily mail is a great shout - anyone want to take the lead in reporting this?
- I’ll take trading standards - I bet the uppity narc sausage doesn’t have his ducks in a row - the amount of mis-sold/ undelivered package claims I’ve seen just on Jess’s story is grounds to lodge a formal complaint. I’m going for an immediate take down/ halt in trading whilst they investigate.
- Need to delve deeper into companies house - HMRC - lots of cash transfers it seems/ hope his ambassadors all have up to date/ declared records for the amount of cash going in and out/ and of course all of the necessary contracts - I’ll laugh my head off if that chump has being paying them via PayPal and it’s not auditable from a tax and PAYE perspective. Need DOB and if any former users of the diet can advise of the payment process that would be amazing.
- Then there’s the code of conduct around the mental health discussion - unsure of this but surely there’s a duty of trust in relation to Harriet, even if only assumed (gosh her live was heartbreaking, I welled up) if no legal grounds of recompense the daily mail could be an avenue just to warn others to have paperwork/ consent tackled early - obviously only with her consent, that poor lady has been through enough.
- GDPR - sharing of pictures/ he needs to have clear consent documents in place regarding how he manages his data / he won’t have plain and simple
- the Briar
bleep - someone said they’d reported him to the school in question for the photo/ fat shaming -
I loved this approach, there’s only one way to deal with people like them!
- the Physiologist - needs reporting and highlighting to rhe daily mail and struck off for any governing board / she should be thoroughly ashamed of herself - repulsive of her to have co-signed this behaviour given her profession
Next up
- doesn’t Nadine have an FD line that’s just gone into production? Really unsure on her, what’s peoples opinion in next steps/ culpability? I wouldn’t want to damage her new business unfairly, I’ve always really liked her vibe but I was stunned at the Aisleyne Horgan road-man style threat. Something more befitting of benefits street, not a business owner on IG? Jess was smart taking the video down either way / collateral
- he’s clearly shitting bricks, he’s removed tonnes of his nasty responses throughout the IG page / comments sections, some gone completely
- the GDPR piece, I’ve just checked guidelines, he needs consent and formal t’s and c’c in place to document how they are used & disposed of, I doubt he’s cited WhatsApp, although it is an encrypted platform and this isn’t an area of expertise, anyone have copies of the paperwork signed when they join up? In fact can anyone describe the process?
- The industry needs to do its work in regards to the lady he was mocking in the bodybuilding industry , she’s done a live also, handled with grace.
- Any other thoughts people?
- I’ll be checking in throughout the day, off to draft my concerns to trading standards and will report back
- if Jess / Harriet or Carla check this arena, you are all queens for standing up to this abhorrent abuser and his team of cackling minions … Be strange, in numbers we stand!