Pole er bear
VIP Member
I am so lost on how fans have got that photo, very creepy, glad to know that Lu has met Ria though, must be nice for Ria to have another girl around
I mean she already met ria when they filmed quadrant stuff in his backyard and she came to visit... lune October or Sept I think post Croatia
But anyway I'm sure someone else was aware of his fai jaffliation conaidering he's posted about it numerous times along with his schedule+ Luisa. So not like surprises, but yeah it crosses the line to actually seek them out and photograph them. Don't think the squids care and pink suitcase is still holding up well! Again had that same bag for years before it got stolen on a bus in spain.
Anyway now that we do have this photo... wtf is Lando wearing
Is that a giant vest? Like he couldn't just stick with sexy daddy mclaren vest (Andreas fave?)
Lets just hope cinnamon stays away
Ahh hoodie + next pillow... whew
He's too young to jump to daddy vest
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