Possibly, however it would be a brand new case and the evidence they had before no longer counts I think, so maybe harder to prove depending on what happens. Surely DA services would still be in contact with her and monitoring stuff. They don't just pack up after case is dismissed, do they?
No, but they are all consent based work so if she chooses not to see them then it’s her choice sadly. There might be some monitoring through risk meetings, but again, they can suggest ideas such as services but it’s choice to engage and when there’s women who are near on homeless, with kids, substances etc then she won’t be pushed to work with them as much. As she can make a choice. It’s so sad.
Its all a bit weird when you compare it with Caroline Flack, the boyfriend who was the victim publicly said he wasn't pressing charges etc and she didn't hit him, yet they still continued. In this case, if she has withdrew as a witness then it's all cleared. Different circumstances I know but still so strange.
I know. It’s getting it through the cps though, the cps have got to be so sure. And sex crimes are so notorious to prosecute because they will drag up exes, type of sex. If you are the ‘right’ kind of victim. Look at ached Evans, they got her ex and he talked about the sex she liked. The used a thing with Paddy Jackson, it was blood stained, but a thong means wanting it. And it’s only since 1992 that marital rape has been illegal. So if you’ve got people on a jury who think it’s ok to pressure a girlfriend because it’s what you do as a couple, she’s done for. And forcing her on the stand would be unethical.
where as the press pictures with Caroline Flack made it clear there was something. That was so sad, I mean, they had to follow procedure but it was a little different.
They are both sad situations in such different ways
I just read that rag to read that but 12 witnesses jeez, also some good news in the article apparently the
twit doesnt want to play for utd as we didnt support him enough
I read that one of the lads in the dressing was kicking off because they should support him whatever. But you can’t some of that seriously. Ronaldo unfollowed him….. the same Ronaldo who paid a woman off for sexual assault. But I also think the club said step away to them.
But what would he expect them to do? Effectively Tell millions of female fans that being sexually attacked is ok, because they support their lad? They have kids watching this scenario (because kids will know)
if he’s daft enough to think that a club would risk the reputation man United have for an aggressive violent hostile kid (however good people claim he is, he’s a baby on football terms) then he needs educating about life for his own sake, and ours…….