The $15 Kmart mini ice cream maker has arrived in time for Christmas! The courier company must be working so hard, sincerely thankful to all those people. The dog ate plums that I raked up and buried in the compost bin. We've done the grocery shopping early today.
And I’ve resolved a hose issue: had to test a number of long garden hoses, chopping off perished parts and joining them together, to resurrect a gravity-fed long hose from a rainwater tank at the sheds. The hose is probably 80 metres long. Now I can water the fruit trees with relative ease and the buckets of shower water can be used on garden beds. (We're on tank water: not water scarce, but water savers by long habit. The only exception for me is post floods when I told all my friends on town water to have super long showers to help drain Warragamba Dam (Sydney's biggest water catchment) ha.)
Seriously, that hose thing was a really good farmlet job yesterday, hooray. The citrus trees' leaves were all curling up and falling. Now they are saved!
Cherries at Woolworths $15/kg: tasteless and bitter at the same time. Cherries at the local fancy fruit and veg shop $28/kg, delicious perfection. Purchased 300 grams and very happy with this life choice.