You are all absolute wrong uns . Sun pat smooth.
Or I will tantrum.
I 100% agree. With the sunpat smooth and tantrum.
I have in my notes I do an excellent tantrum most three year olds would be proud of
Can you access welfare rights? You need someone on your side and my apologies if I asked already. My memory at the moment is atrocious
No we only have CAB. Their next appointment is February. Plus they don’t help with forms, or calls, or appeals and only help at the going to court stage and I don’t mean turn up to help. They told me they’ve no money, which is rubbish as they’ve been given funding by the government to help all vulnerable claim UC. They also told me contribution based cannot be changed to income based and that contribution based is never being switched which isn’t true.
As a side note, I should go bankrupt to pay for electric as it means nothing these days. The bank were appalled, not only would it effect everything including remaining in rental it would close all my accounts and leave me totally vulnerable. Also the man I saw had the same issue with OVO overcharging him. Did I mention that to you guys, literally he got exactly the same bill to the penny!
My memory is bad too, as said before all advice is welcome. I appreciate my ability to express myself isn’t good so despite appearances of ingratitude I’m not.
There is an exception though. If you stole my cheesey pasta I will hunt you down….
peanut butter - only crunchy is acceptable (even with my teeth), you're all heathens
well I am religious so I’m not a heathen.
its also gone three am and that joke is reliant upon a five second google i probably misread.
we still have electric… its rather odd… oh water too! One of my oh so delightful neighbours nicked the emergency water that was for me. I told Welsh water, repeatedly to put on it its for me, but no. That said they’re lucky it didn’t fly down the road. The council opened some emergency shelters to help those without electricity and water AND reminded people not to travel. No mixed messages there kids, at all.
oooo longest post ever!!