Florence Pugh

please tell me I’m not then only one who scrolled past this picture and thought it was The Chuckle Brothers
I've seen Braff live at an event. Went in as someone who enjoyed Scrubs and thinking he was very funny, left thinking he was a tool. 😅
So that has clouded my opinion of their relationship in a way where I think she could almost certainly do better than him, you know? But if they're happy, and I presume they are, good for them.
I think she’s totally wonderful, on and off screen. Seems like they have a lovely relationship and I admired how she handled defending their relationship against trolls, not that she needed too! If they’re as happy as they seem then I hope it lasts. I also loved her cooking insta stories through lockdown! She’s my gal crush for sure and love how she’s styled!
Sticking up for her creepy boyfriend made her look worse than him and just proved what everyone was saying about their age gap relationship. If you are comfortable and secure in your relationship you don’t need to respond to those comments, the fact that she did shows her level of maturity.

you cannot convince me that such a significant age gap doesn’t involve a power imbalance of some kind. She will cringe when she is older about a) dating him in the first place b) making those comments
Sticking up for her creepy boyfriend made her look worse than him and just proved what everyone was saying about their age gap relationship. If you are comfortable and secure in your relationship you don’t need to respond to those comments, the fact that she did shows her level of maturity.

you cannot convince me that such a significant age gap doesn’t involve a power imbalance of some kind. She will cringe when she is older about a) dating him in the first place b) making those comments
Yeah he just gives off creep vibes.
It makes me want to cry when I see that an attractive woman enjoys cancer sticks :(

I'm always surprised by the number of young actresses who smoke compared to the amount of young people in the general population. I wonder if they think its some sort of appetite suppressant?
A lot of actresses smoke, ditto models and most high profile female personalities. Some try and a hide it but for a lot it goes with business they are in, helps with appetite suppression too.
A lot of actresses smoke, ditto models and most high profile female personalities. Some try and a hide it but for a lot it goes with business they are in, helps with appetite suppression too.
A lot of roles still have smoking as part of it.

The thing that really fucks me off is the little nose hoop thing she has. It looks awful!
Ray winstone is fab in cockney/gangster hard man roles but when accents are involved no thank you!! His russian was just awful!

She is just about to appear with him again on Puss in Boots 2 - she is Evil Goldilocks ,and he is one of the 3 Bears with Olivia Coleman

The reason she cut all her hair off is that she is in Oppenheimer as Jean Tatlock . They are all over the place at the minute as she is filming and is up for 2 different roles and he has 2 films coming out this month and is on all the US chat shows