Wait. Before that sentence, he came into her life as her best friend? Is that even true? She thanks him for making herself and her life to be famous on IG. Everything you do for us? *cough cough* *hold up*. Why is that sounds kinda mixed between boyfriend girlfriend and being engaged? That feels a little too much than just boyfriend and girlfriend level.
Earlier, Edwin said this in his story, and Amber gives him an allowance of $500 every Fridays? What kind of relationship is this? Then he bought Disney tickets for the boys??!!!! So that’s another way for Mondo to get in. Another dirty way.
Mondo probably feel so excited since he got a little helper to get him in without paying almost $200 a day, “this is what is looks like when MKs are blocked out” sounds upper hand. Does that sounds bullshit when the top MK grifter who use a little helper to get in while everyone else can’t?
When he got the upper hand, this is what he does…
This is what happens when the boys at Disneyland… Another disrespect photo. They never feel embarrassed when using others $$$ for sure.