Fightingtheinnerdemon - karen coffey

17 weeks is the absolute minimum age for weaning 🙄 I also thought if a baby still has tongue thrust they aren’t ready?? Also also the child’s head is resting on the back of the seat she’s just too little!!
This used to be the age babies were weaned (I have 20 year old and she would have been weaned at 4 months (had family members trying to get me to do it at 12 weeks at the time) and I have a younger child and they were weaned at 6 months) they changed the advice to 6 months for loads of reasons (allergies, weight gain, stomach issues ect ect...)
Proper old school weaning there. Apple as the leading ingredient in that pouch.

She's a woman who has been overweight her entire life.
Her husband is overweight too.
Billies odds of being an overweight adult are already high.
And she's weaning in EXACTLY the way which has been shown to contribute to higher weight in childhood.
She is just proving she wants easy and is not concerned with what's best for her child's future.
I was advised by the nurse at my gps to start Weaning at 6 months just because it would be unnecessary weight and I’m glad I waited as she’s a fine solid child as it is..

Poor baby can’t even hold her head
I was advised by the nurse at my gps to start Weaning at 6 months just because it would be unnecessary weight and I’m glad I waited as she’s a fine solid child as it is..

Poor baby can’t even hold her head

Aside from weight I don't know why anyone rushes to wean. It makes everything so much harder planning around feeding time. I held out for as long as we could.
2 feeds a day now! Mother of god. I didn’t do 2 feeds a day for a good week 10 days. Slow and steady. This might be just me but does anyone else think Billies head is very big? I’ve noticed it a few times but more so in the videos this evening
Our phn said not to bother until 6 months since once you start you can’t stop, it’s messy etc and it’s time enough. Poor child can’t even hold her head up, her poor little insides won’t be able for that at all and we’ll have the aul question box up soon asking for recommendations for constipation relief etc
She’s really not the sharpest tool in the box but you can tell that anyway. Bit like Kim with the pod for overnight sleep and the little face pressed right up against the Side.
So much info out there, phns will never suggest either of these things and we’re even given an actual book in the hospital with all this information for christs sake but still…
I’d say her family are telling her to wean now, sure it’s grand dow, lmao 🙄