Fightingtheinnerdemon - karen coffey

Maybe it’s just me but if she’s breastfeeding can’t she just do that at night and still get some rest!! For someone who had it hard to have a baby you’d imagine she’d embrace it better 🙄
Maybe it’s just me but if she’s breastfeeding can’t she just do that at night and still get some rest!! For someone who had it hard to have a baby you’d imagine she’d embrace it better 🙄

I'd say she's after over complicating things so much and now baby isn't as settled on the boob if she wakes at night. She did say she had a dip in supply too, then introduced formula and all that might mean baby is looking for larger volumes than maybe what she can offer at night right now.

Also Karen seems to think this one bad night is time for intervention, babies wake at night for very many reasons and that's normal. If she sorted out her feeding and stopped triple jobbing it might help with routine. She's basically lost all the convenience of breastfeeding now because she's pumping, sterilising, formula feeding. She's now got the hard wrk of all 3 options in my eyes!
Why is she using the seat already on her buggy?! It kills me my 7 month old (one and only) is too big for the pram. Same with the high chair. Why is she rushing the small baby stage. She’ll regret doing this and pushing to move on faster.
Why is she using the seat already on her buggy?! It kills me my 7 month old (one and only) is too big for the pram. Same with the high chair. Why is she rushing the small baby stage. She’ll regret doing this and pushing to move on faster.
And why the hell has she the cozy ganoosh on. That's the uppababy branded one it is SO warm for babies to lie on.

Yet another instahun forcing a bottle on a child who clearly isn't hungry. It will ruin her hunger cues and the child will end up obese!
She’ll be the very one moaning how fast it goes while also pushing the child on. She definitely comes across as the type that feels every single action of the child is a direct reflection of them as a parent from the child sleeping to reflux. She’s sounding quite blue to me lately I hope she’s good support
I recall some months back she mentioned that she would consider doing a podcast as loads of her followers said it would be a great idea. Omg I could think of nothing worse. Can you imagine listening to her. I said to the hubbie..... I told my husband earlier. Every sentence would have to mention husband. I don't get her appeal to be honest. Borefest. And a podcast omg about what exactly. The hubbie 😕lol lmao or whatever shite she writes.
She really has nothing else to talk about but her child, we all love our kids but no-one wants to be a baby-bore........I think we've all worked with people who talk non-stop about their kids, so after having mine I made a conscious effort not to talk about them all day long at work. Obviously you'd share stories etc but all this one does is talk about Billies sleeping and feeding 😴 😴 no-one cares, we're all busy raising our own kids and trying to remain somewhat sane 😂
She really has nothing else to talk about but her child, we all love our kids but no-one wants to be a baby-bore........I think we've all worked with people who talk non-stop about their kids, so after having mine I made a conscious effort not to talk about them all day long at work. Obviously you'd share stories etc but all this one does is talk about Billies sleeping and feeding 😴 😴 no-one cares, we're all busy raising our own kids and trying to remain somewhat sane 😂
Hard to know what she spoke of before, we get it she adores the child and rightfully so as the rest of us do but most of us have realised that constant updates about your pregnancy/child really is only interesting to a small few and generally they’re all related to said child. God help us when the weaning starts
Haven't looked at hwr page in a while. Just had a nose there, Jesus sorry if I offend anybody but I can't abide these big tacky looking christening parties.. pure pet hate of mine. It's like a bloody wedding reception, what is the need for that? I'm obviously pure basic, missed the memo for my kids, forgot the big reception, the baby headpiece and the christening bracelet thing... christening bracelets I also despise 🤣 ugh I dunno, glad they enjoyed their day but to me a christening is a holy thing not a big piss up 🤷‍♀️
It's little wonder the hotel staff couldn't understand her, I struggle to keep up myself. Why did she buy 3 forks & 3 knives, she'll be telling us next that Billie uses a knife & fork to feed herself
It's little wonder the hotel staff couldn't understand her, I struggle to keep up myself. Why did she buy 3 forks & 3 knives, she'll be telling us next that Billie uses a knife & fork to feed herself
I was thinking the exact same thing she’s hard to understand at the best of times!! Her accent is very strange I think she doesn’t open her mouth properly or something!!
I was thinking the exact same thing she’s hard to understand at the best of times!! Her accent is very strange I think she doesn’t open her mouth properly or something!!
Aside from the flat accent it's like her jaw is misaligned and that affects her speech.......I get a bit distracted by her chin when she's talking 🙈