Fightingtheinnerdemon - karen coffey

Removing her child from the internet to protect her is the most sense I’ve heard her speak in a long time! Good for you Karen, that is exactly what you should be doing. There’s zero need to have your 4 month old on Instagram. People will figure out how to put their child down for a nap on their own.
Wouldn't be giving her that much credit.shes pulling an aine lynch .
So is she deleting or just deleting followers like Aine?
She got rid of my friend who followed her for ages, my friend showed me the messages where she gave her advice on breastfeeding and all, Karen would always reply back.
Her page is completely anon, she’s never post a thing on it she just likes insta for following, so she thinks that’s why. Karen just cause someone’s account looks legit to you, doesn’t mean they aren’t the ones here stabbing you in the back whilst liking your photos on insta! The one that looked like a troll actually wasn’t in this case. She’s not on here! 👏🏻
So is she deleting or just deleting followers like Aine?
She got rid of my friend who followed her for ages, my friend showed me the messages where she gave her advice on breastfeeding and all, Karen would always reply back.
Her page is completely anon, she’s never post a thing on it she just likes insta for following, so she thinks that’s why. Karen just cause someone’s account looks legit to you, doesn’t mean they aren’t the ones here stabbing you in the back whilst liking your photos on insta! The one that looked like a troll actually wasn’t in this case. She’s not on here! 👏🏻
Im one of the people like your friend who followed both girls since they started their journies well when they became popular, often messaged them all good just genuine q&a's and Aine replied Karen didnt after awhile, the fame got to her, i actually liked following them as im ttc 2 years myself, i dont have big following and not public page just like following folk, did as they asked and sadly unfollowed both to save them the bother

No loss to be honest.I liked following Áine
Aine was a dote, Karen the fame got her when the ivf worked
Im one of the people like your friend who followed both girls since they started their journies well when they became popular, often messaged them all good just genuine q&a's and Aine replied Karen didnt after awhile, the fame got to her, i actually liked following them as im ttc 2 years myself, i dont have big following and not public page just like following folk, did as they asked and sadly unfollowed both to save them the bother

Aine was a dote, Karen the fame got her when the ivf worked

She got rid of me in the last while, just noticed.
She’s deleting a fair few.

Anyone still following her?
Ah feck sake i unfollowed Karen a few weeks back. I'd have probably got the boot though lol even though i had chatted to her and gave her advice a few times
Honestly she has to be the most boring whinge bag on the gram. In saying that I look forward to her pod cast... Not. Omg the monotone voice. Constant mis pronunciation of words. And her spelling 🤣🤣🤣 poor Billie... Dow in saying that LMAO no doubt mother of the year will be missed sorely. Wonder what the hubby / husband thinks... 🤔
Did they get rid of the dog? Not mentioned since billie arrived

Only just thanked everyone for the supportive messages she’s been getting.
But she wants it as a private page for on,y people she knows …. so why is she thanking people, no one knows 6000 people personally 🙄
Even getting rid of followers I can see the likes of Karen coming back, possibly under a different page name and not showing her child but coming back none the less.. we’ll see anyway
Missed than, who won it?
She was getting stuff together for a big giveaway and we were to be spoilt rotten!! But now she’s closed her page to the public who’s getting spoilt!! This really annoys me she’s been gifted so much stuff then just closes her page to the public. She’s with a PR company if I’ve time tomorrow I’m emailing them. Surely she has to be held accountable