Fightingtheinnerdemon - karen coffey

Does the hubby/my husband do anything at home? She looks exhausted. She's expressing so why can't he feed the child during the night and let her sleep? From her videos it looks like she's a single parent. Also her mother lives down the fecking Hall. So can't she keep the camera and an eye on the child while karin has a shower and drys her hair. Surely the mum can mind the child for 5 minutes ffs

I know we can only go by what she shows us, but so far it looks she has no help and still minding the neice too ... there's a lot of "but that's ok" so it's not OK. I'd say she feels very isolated, not good for a first time mum, she's struggling
Does the hubby/my husband do anything at home? She looks exhausted. She's expressing so why can't he feed the child during the night and let her sleep? From her videos it looks like she's a single parent. Also her mother lives down the fecking Hall. So can't she keep the camera and an eye on the child while karin has a shower and drys her hair. Surely the mum can mind the child for 5 minutes ffs

I know we can only go by what she shows us, but so far it looks she has no help and still minding the neice too ... there's a lot of "but that's ok" so it's not OK. I'd say she feels very isolated, not good for a first time mum, she's struggling
She strikes me as the type that wants to do it all herself because she thinks she's the only one that can do it properly, no-one else could match Karen's excellence at being a mother 🙄

Although "hubby" is so wonderful I am surprised he can't breastfeed.....then again his supply might not be as plentiful and wholesome as Super-Mom Karen
Does the hubby/my husband do anything at home? She looks exhausted. She's expressing so why can't he feed the child during the night and let her sleep? From her videos it looks like she's a single parent. Also her mother lives down the fecking Hall. So can't she keep the camera and an eye on the child while karin has a shower and drys her hair. Surely the mum can mind the child for 5 minutes ffs

I know we can only go by what she shows us, but so far it looks she has no help and still minding the neice too ... there's a lot of "but that's ok" so it's not OK. I'd say she feels very isolated, not good for a first time mum, she's struggling

Down the hall? As in they live In the same house?
Down the hall? As in they live In the same house?

the home is her childhood home, they bought from mum, she’s in a converted part at one end and her sister lives in there part of the house “it’s her home we’ll never kick her out” and that was about the sister. So there’s 4 adults, the baby and the dog we never see anymore

Yeah I think she’s quite elderly so wouldn’t expect her to be able to mind the baby
She’s not and surely could look at a camera or sit on the bed next to the cot.
Off topic sorry 🙈 but I see Aine Lynch is throwing a little tantrum and deleting her followers unless she personally knows them because of comments on here apparently......I've never seen anything negative posted about her here (Tattle), has anyone else?
Off topic sorry 🙈 but I see Aine Lynch is throwing a little tantrum and deleting her followers unless she personally knows them because of comments on here apparently......I've never seen anything negative posted about her here (Tattle), has anyone else?
I have seen some negative comments about her on the Irish fertility huns thread.
Off topic sorry 🙈 but I see Aine Lynch is throwing a little tantrum and deleting her followers unless she personally knows them because of comments on here apparently......I've never seen anything negative posted about her here (Tattle), has anyone else?
There’s a general thread about fertility pages and someone thought she might be hard to live it and her husband has his hands full!! Looks like there were wrong I suppose 🙄😂😂
There’s a general thread about fertility pages and someone thought she might be hard to live it and her husband has his hands full!! Looks like there were wrong I suppose 🙄😂😂
She wasn’t too bothered about disproving that rumour anyway 🤣
But it used to be 4 months years ago for introducing ”solids” my child was introduced at just over 4 months, baby porridge that’s about it.. she’s long gone from 4 months, but I don’t understand the 6 month weaning … that seems very late to be introducing it (I’m not talking 3 course meals, literally a couple of spoonfuls at breakfast that’s it)

Can you imagine 😂

Even 20+ years ago when I introduced solids with my 4 month old it was once a day for a month or more, she like it but wasn’t fussed. Definitely followed her lead, not 3 meals a day, boob, formula and a pint 🙄
I started my daughter at about 18 weeks but it was a few spoonfuls and that was it. Wasn’t until she was well established and around the 6/7 month mark did I introduce 3 meals.
There’s Karen gone, at least supposedly. She’s been quiet for a few days I’d a feeling she’d had a look here after Aine Lynch mentioning Tattle

Why do these types drag their kids onto something they can’t consent to? It’s all about content, attention and praise seeking for themselves.. thousands of strangers looking at your child and knowing details of their personal lives will never not disgust me
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Aha hahaha Karen. Nobody gives a duck if you delete your page. Your a shameful mother. An absolute gowl. The moment you posted pictures of your 4 month old giving the two fingers and saying you were a 'bleeping amazing mother' the final flitter of respect went out the window. Knacker. Off ye duck now, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I was at a house blessing last week and had my baby with me. A women I didn’t know came over and randomly started taking photos of ‘the cute baby’. Tbh I froze. I was so shocked. I didn’t want to come across as rude but I did say excuse me why are you photographing my baby. Oh he’s just so cute. I said I’m really sorry but I don’t know you and I’m going to have to see you delete those photos please. Which she did. My point is, that was one stranger. How these women share every single minute of their babies lives and in such detail and don’t worry about who’s looking and watching etc. i just couldn’t expose my baby to that. So when other women have an opinion we are bullies. I’m not a bully, I’m not an expert in motherhood. I’m a mom following guidelines and trying my best with my baby. I don’t want him to be ‘so advanced’ or pressurised to be the best. He will be who he’s will be. At 4 months Billie is already under such pressure by Karen to be the best, the first, the whatever. It’s no way in my opinion to rear your baby. I encourage and try to teach my baby new things etc. but I’ve never ever said he’s the best at…. I’m a FTM how do I know if he’s well advanced. Same as Karen. Anyway she is bothered by Tattle she is bothered by the opinions of other moms and and i would be almost certain she did not laugh at what was said here. Making out your not bothered… your bothered. But she’s only got herself to blame she exposed herself and her family.
There’s Karen gone, at least supposedly. She’s been quiet for a few days I’d a feeling she’d had a look here after Aine Lynch mentioning Tattle

Why do these types drag their kids onto something they can’t consent to? It’s all about content, attention and praise seeking for themselves.. thousands of strangers looking at your child and knowing details of their personal lives will never not disgust me
Oh no how will we know which pal of hers "wins" her latest competition
Says she hasn’t read here, then goes onto say her and family have been having a good laugh 😂 okay Karen, you’re a liar like the rest of the huns. Plastering your baby all over the gram for some freebies and attention! But we’re the bullies of course 💀
Says she hasn’t read here, then goes onto say her and family have been having a good laugh 😂 okay Karen, you’re a liar like the rest of the huns. Plastering your baby all over the gram for some freebies and attention! But we’re the bullies of course 💀
Awwww did she give a little farewell speech, gutted I missed that, I'm sure she was as nicely spoken and articulate as always
Removing her child from the internet to protect her is the most sense I’ve heard her speak in a long time! Good for you Karen, that is exactly what you should be doing. There’s zero need to have your 4 month old on Instagram. People will figure out how to put their child down for a nap on their own.