Oh yes the designer bags bags shoved in a box with no stuffing in them or dust bags or padding really triggered me.
However we are talking about a nit wit that cleaned, vacuumed and organized her closet for HOURS INSIDE.... with sunglasses.on.her.head.the.entire.time.
She’s so unprofessional and sloppy and greedy. Rambling away and throwing shade to companies about plastic and ill fitting clothing over and over, BORING time lapses with no music, her head chopped off at the top, a random haul of terrible items tried on and items she’s not showing but just ordered, and then... an extremely yellow bedtime portion with incoherent rambling about night crime.
Most influencers with this level of a new closet make a serious effort to make the most polished EPIC videos revealing and organizing as these will be some of their most watched over time.
Not fish brain. Can’t even take the time to make sure she’s not chopped off or even set up the camera correctly. It's not the "trolls" who have her stuck at 485 or 6... it's HER! She's been wasting such major opportunities with her greed and general arrogance about knowing better than anyone who ever lived.
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