Fabulous Hannah

The latest vlog has definitely made me took at Hannah's life differently. It's so boring, omg! For a 26 yo anyway! She managed to make a couple of hours worth of tasks last all day. Packed a few orderes, looked like less than 10, and says it's 2.5 days worth. Hows she even paying rent on that office? Breakfast, make up, dog walk, a few chores, coffee, back home for dinner, dog walk and a bath. That's most people's day off, not an average Monday, and she made it sound like it's her busiest day of the week. No wonder she spends so much time with her mum, she's got nothing else to do. What a boring life
Is the office not at her parents ?
I actually cannot believe how boring her most recent vlog was
I know! Don't get me wrong I love a quiet life but hers is on another level. I'd be genuinely sad if my life looked like hers. I'm a SAHM of two, a 5 month old and a 2 year old and manage to get out more in a couple of days than she does all week and yet she then moans she has been busy with a launch. Yeah it's probably a bit time consuming but to the extent she claims?? Absolutely not.

Anyone here run a similar sized small business who could give us a general run down of a what a week looks like for them so we can compare to Han????
Jesus. Who cares about listening to that car ramble for over 20 mins? Not me! I scrolled to the end hoping it ends and she shows something else, but nah, there's nothing to show. We've already seen the hello fresh dinners, the obligatory dog walk and the watching of some crap at 10 pm each of them on a different sofa. I think it's time to call it a day for Hannah. Should get a real job, and her mum can post the dog harnesses couple of times a week.
Jesus. Who cares about listening to that car ramble for over 20 mins? Not me! I scrolled to the end hoping it ends and she shows something else, but nah, there's nothing to show. We've already seen the hello fresh dinners, the obligatory dog walk and the watching of some crap at 10 pm each of them on a different sofa. I think it's time to call it a day for Hannah. Should get a real job, and her mum can post the dog harnesses couple of times a week.
It’s always even the same conversation as well.
I understand people don’t all want to party and drink etc but for gods sake, travel, visit places in the uk, go out and do something, do ANYTHING.
Surely that office doesn’t pay for itself. Can’t be cheap. Wonder how much sunnyside brings in
It’s always even the same conversation as well.
I understand people don’t all want to party and drink etc but for gods sake, travel, visit places in the uk, go out and do something, do ANYTHING.
Surely that office doesn’t pay for itself. Can’t be cheap. Wonder how much sunnyside brings in
Can't be much. I bet Josh earns more than she does at this point. It's well known most of the income these influencers get comes from the ads, which she doesn't do that many. I'm sure her dad could employ her, but that would involve getting out of bed before 8am
To add : just went on her website because I’m nosy and bored.

1. Humans love dogs! 2. Dogs need walking.
3 Walks must be safe. 4. Safety can be cute.

My manifesto is my story - from phobia to infatuation!

Is this designed by a child?
Cringed my entire body.
Also, is the dog supposed to be signing up?? Surely it should be "to have" not "to be"...


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