Fly them out a week earlier, drop them in the wild and left them work out their survival together …might be they have a free seat for Canada after all
Pierre is going to be the survivor of that one, he once was Whora the explorah
And if they by chance need a supervisor for Project Alpine-Wilderness, I am available from Wednesday next week, but they will have to fly me back to London before Friday. (I swear, none of them would last past the first moose mama with her baby moose)
My credentials for being able to supervise Project Alpine-Wilderness are as follows:
- I am a Viking.
- I know how to navigate using a map and compass.
- I will be able to gater food and find safe water sources if needed.
- I know how to dress in the forrest, NO shorts, because bugs.
- I know how to start a fire (and how to put it out, amazing, I know. )
- And I know how to handle all kinds of animals in the Arctic Tundra.
I hope this application is good enough to be a supervisor for Project Alpine Wilderness
omg this was one of my absolute fave nights on Tattle
Everyone going feral at the prospect of sweaty F1 footballers and then being faced with a laggy feed full of cartoon tits instead
How have I been talking to you all for two years now?!
I'm wondering the same, where did those two years go?!
Even though I think I might still have been lurking at the time
But I remember laughing so hard over you all struggling with tits on screen