Honestly, this may be dramatic but I really feel like slimming world ruined my relationship with food and my life tbh. I actually featured in one of their magazines at one point and was so extremely focused on the diet. I developed bulimia and restricted food so much I was severely underweight, I weighed about 6 and a half stone at my lowest. My mum suffered with an eating disorder too (not as a result of slimming world) and so nobody in my life really stopped me, I also had a job where the desired look was to be skinny.
I had a baby two years ago and found my relationship with food improving, I practically recovered and gained about5 stone overall.
I recently re joined slimming world and all those toxic habits have come flooding back. I allow myself treats on weigh days only which usually result in bingeing and purging. I recently went on a holiday over Easter and gained 1/2lb whilst I was there, I had had some extra treats but was still staying ‘on plan’ whilst there. My’consultant’ text me the next day as I don’t usually stay for group and said she’d noticed I’d had a gain, I should stay for group if I’m wanting to be serious about this and to remember ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. I have decided to stop going to group and to continue to try and lose weight in a healthier way. I can’t understand the mind set of these consultants who are completely brainwashed into texting someone to force them into staying to their cult group and making them feel guilty over a 1/2 pound weight gain?
sorry for the depressing post but I thought I’d share some of my fave slimming world meals I used to eat religiously
- scan bran crushed with yoghurt
- quark with options hot chocolate powder
- fat free cottage cheese on scan bran
- Weetabix muffins
- crustless quiche
- Lynda mcartney sausages (not a vegetarian and I was somehow convinced by other members that they were delicious)
- quorn chicken nuggets (that Harry lad on insta convinced me they tasted like Maccies ones!)
- frozen muller yoghurt as ‘ice cream’
-I also remember furiously googling whether I could have mashed banana in my porridge or whether I would need to ‘syn’ it
thank you ladies for helping me see the light ♥
This happened to me too!! I was in one of their magazines, I don’t want to put myself but they basically made me out to be some fat virgin and thanks to slimming world I had found the love of my life etc etc, couldn’t be further from the truth considering I had a baby at 16 and didn’t join slimming world until I was 20
they didn’t even mention my child in their interview! Just wanted to suit their narrative that slimming world had made me ‘attractive’ and now I’d finally found a boyfriend, something chubby girls could NEVER!