Sincere question (sort of): Are any of us still silently rooting for her to get her tit together? I mean I assume not.
We probably know my answer is a resounding NO lmao.
But seriously, I'm on Rhiannon Ashlee's thread and I do still really like her and her content, I'm just on the thread to vent about a certain issue I have with her, which is also an issue I have with most content creators, but I'm still rooting for her to succeed in life, and I want good things to happen to her.
For Estee, I just cannot find it in me to want anything good to happen to this person, I'm actively praying for everything to go wrong because she has shown in the past fistful of years (more tbh) to be such a terrible person. She has access to so much money, privilege, a whole life that most people will never have access to and she has zero grace about it all. Frankly, it's absolutely disgusting to see. I have so much fun hating on her, i'm never going to stop. But not just her, its literally anybody in her position with her attitude about life that I find disgusting. She goes on how many holidays and just leaves her dog with anxiety behind? You know how many people can never go on holiday because they can't afford a dog sitter or they don't have anyone in there life to help watch their pet? She has zero humility about her. The dog thing was just an example.