English channel migrant crossing crisis #7

It was a screwdriver, which seems he didn't really 'pre plan' his weapon of choice, unlike Parslow who could afford £770 to spend on a knife.
Maybe his pennies didn't spread that far and the biscuits meant more to him, in what seemed a 'petty argument' ?
Parslow at least had the decency to get a tattoo of Hitler's signature-to make us aware of who he was.
The attack over the biscuits seems personal, we don't know what happened, what is a 'petty argument' to one person might be the mental tipping point to another...no manifesto written, then again Deng Chok?? Probably didn't speak English anyway!
Also, In the case of the Neo Nazi, details of the trial could not be reported until a court order was lifted on Friday after Parslow pleaded guilty to an unconnected sexual offence and two charges under the Malicious Communications Act.
I hope they add in anti Semitic offences,with Parslow believing of "evil enemies of nature and of England” who he identified as “the Jews, the Marxists and the Globalists” he said were responsible for demonising Christianity, white people and European culture.


He picked up the screwdriver, followed her, and stabbed her in the back of the neck, then left the scene. Murders made in the “heat of the moment”, as you seem to be implying, tend to be just that. In this instance he sought out a weapon, he would have no need for a screwdriver otherwise, indeed he has also been charged with possession of an offensive weapon which means the CPS are confident they can prove he intended to use it as such. He then stalked the victim, and stabbed her in the back, several minutes later in a location a distance away from the site of the initial confrontation. She apparently had no opportunity to defend herself. If he was in a rage over biscuits his rage seemed to last a long time and had deadly consequences, which suggests this is a very dangerous, violent man with very little impulse control. A long sentence is therefore pretty essential in my view. But that is for the courts to decide.

Let’s also talk about the elephant in the room. We don’t know where this guy is from (it sure as hell ain’t Walsall) but Deng is a common South Sudanese name loosely translated as Rain. With the added proviso that we actually have no idea if that is even his real name. If he is from South Sudan, or any part of Sudan for that matter, he has been brought up in a violent civil war the origins of which are complex but condense down to a violent Islamist paramilitary groups desire to control goldfields to enrich themselves and then spread their ideology. A group already complicit in crimes against humanity for industrial scale rape and murder in the Darfur region. If he is from there. And as of yet we don’t know so this is speculation only. Then he will inevitably be a person who has witnessed violence as second nature, so why the hell was such an obvious ticking time bomb roaming the streets of a small West Midlands town?
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He picked up the screwdriver, followed her, and stabbed her in the back of the neck, then left the scene. Murders made in the “heat of the moment”, as you seem to be implying, tend to be just that. In this instance he sought out a weapon, he would have no need for a screwdriver otherwise, indeed he has also been charged with possession of an offensive weapon which means the CPS are confident they can prove he intended to use it as such. He then stalked the victim, and stabbed her in the back, several minutes later in a location a distance away from the site of the initial confrontation. She apparently had no opportunity to defend herself. If he was in a rage over biscuits his rage seemed to last a long time and had deadly consequences, which suggests this is a very dangerous, violent man with very little impulse control. A long sentence is therefore pretty essential in my view. But that is for the courts to decide.

Let’s also talk about the elephant in the room. We don’t know where this guy is from (it sure as hell ain’t Walsall) but Deng is a common South Sudanese name loosely translated as Rain. With the added proviso that we actually have no idea if that is even his real name. If he is from South Sudan, or any part of Sudan for that matter, he has been brought up in a violent civil war the origins of which are complex but condense down to a violent Islamist paramilitary groups desire to control goldfields to enrich themselves and then spread their ideology. A group already complicit in crimes against humanity for industrial scale rape and murder in the Darfur region. If he is from there. And as of yet we don’t know so this is speculation only. Then he will inevitably be a person who has witnessed violence as second nature, so why the hell was such an obvious ticking time bomb roaming the streets of a small West Midlands town?
Oh, I completely agree, a long sentence is needed and it is for the courts to decide.
Losing a life over a packet of biscuits is beyond tragic!
Deng Chol waiting and following Rhiannon after she finished work...yes, he had plenty of time to 'cool down' after the biscuit argument but also until we know further facts pre/post the argument. Something obviously is not right mentally with a person taking a screwdriver to another human over some custard creams...so,why was this violent, potential terrorist to whom rape and murder was second nature allowed in the vicinity of an innocent young lady, who was not trained to deal with such psychopaths?
We are asking the same questions.
The same questions seem to be asked repeatedly in the thread.
No, attacking an innocent young lady is never acceptable, whether that is at the hands of illegal immigrants or homegrown monsters, we have enough of, that are evil without being raised in the shadows of a civil war.
Oh, I completely agree, a long sentence is needed and it is for the courts to decide.
Losing a life over a packet of biscuits is beyond tragic!
Deng Chol waiting and following Rhiannon after she finished work...yes, he had plenty of time to 'cool down' after the biscuit argument but also until we know further facts pre/post the argument. Something obviously is not right mentally with a person taking a screwdriver to another human over some custard creams...so,why was this violent, potential terrorist to whom rape and murder was second nature allowed in the vicinity of an innocent young lady, who was not trained to deal with such psychopaths?
We are asking the same questions.
The same questions seem to be asked repeatedly in the thread.
No, attacking an innocent young lady is never acceptable, whether that is at the hands of illegal immigrants or homegrown monsters, we have enough of, that are evil without being raised in the shadows of a civil war.

I’m pleased we are at least on the same book, if not the same page.

But I will hazard to propose a solution to the problem of potentially dangerous illegal arrivals walking the streets of British towns.

Suppose there was a place, another country perhaps, maybe on another continent, but a long way away from British shores where arrivals could be sent to? And here, whilst the merits or otherwise or their asylum claim are considered, there behaviour could also be observed. Now providing they don’t, well, stab each other with screwdrivers, throw acid in womens faces, rape vulnerable stoned women to death, or murder old men because they’re frustrated with Israel/Gaza etc etc, if they qualify for asylum they can be then taken safely to the UK without climbing on a dinghy. And if they don’t they can be taken back to their home country to pick up the pieces of their old lives. Indeed some European countries are actively considering such a scheme.


Then perhaps imagine if such a scheme was in place, but then scrapped, without refund in favour of some vague promise to arrest some foreign nationals on European soil after months or even years of investigation, whilst apparently still allowing these young military age men into the UK. Resulting in, well, this tragedy and the others which are inevitably going to follow. And they will.
Safe enough for his wife and family to be left there 🤔 Dublin is probably just as dangerous as S.Africa , muggins, stabbings, sexual assaults all on the up.

From the article:
“Aside from the Irish Government... Slovakia and Slovenia are the only two countries in the world that have deemed South Africa safe.”

Maybe he should just go to one of those other many counties who have deemed South Africa unsafe and he might get asylum there 🤷‍♀️
From the article:

Maybe he should just go to one of those other many counties who have deemed South Africa unsafe and he might get asylum there 🤷‍♀️
Africa is 17 times the size of Ireland I’m sure there’s a safe spot somewhere? Muggings are happening all over the world people have to get on with it 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’m guessing they’ve kept the receipts? They’ve lived off welfare since they came to Ireland if they already had this amount of funds they wouldn’t be entitled to state help.
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Africa is 17 times the size of Ireland I’m sure there’s a safe spot somewhere? Muggings are happening all over the world people have to get on with it 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’m guessing they’ve kept the receipts? They’ve lived off welfare since they came to Ireland if they already had this amount of funds they wouldn’t be entitled to state help.

Well if they had over a third of a million euros stashed away in suitcases and were claiming state funds, they either

A) Didn’t declare it which is surely fraud, or at best extreme dishonesty, or
B) Did declare it in which case the system is broken beyond repair.
Absolutely no additional comment required. If this doesn’t make you mad you are a flat no borders extremist.

From the article.

“When we first established contact with Thanh, he portrayed himself as a desperate migrant, first stuck in France, and then trapped in the UK’s asylum system, living in a crowded hotel, unable to work, and waiting to learn his fate.
But over time, we began to learn the truth. Or rather, Thanh began to reveal the extent to which his extraordinary life story has been built on a series of elaborate, even outrageous, lies.
Sitting opposite me on a sofa, Thanh admitted that he had not been trafficked to the UK. He had made up that story as part of his asylum claim. And he went much further, claiming that all the Vietnamese migrants he knew of had been told to offer a version of the same lie.
“Yes. A lie. I was not trafficked,” he said.
Migration experts and NGOs have a range of views about the scale of trafficking from Vietnam.”

Yet the NGO woman still insists they are genuine refugees 😮 I suppose it’s understandable, when your entire life’s work and identity is based around the self declared belief that you are the good guy helping the poor, when in actual fact you are just helping rich criminals it must be very difficult to admit you have been played.
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Absolutely no additional comment required. If this doesn’t make you mad you are a flat no borders extremist.

From the article.

“When we first established contact with Thanh, he portrayed himself as a desperate migrant, first stuck in France, and then trapped in the UK’s asylum system, living in a crowded hotel, unable to work, and waiting to learn his fate.
But over time, we began to learn the truth. Or rather, Thanh began to reveal the extent to which his extraordinary life story has been built on a series of elaborate, even outrageous, lies.
Sitting opposite me on a sofa, Thanh admitted that he had not been trafficked to the UK. He had made up that story as part of his asylum claim. And he went much further, claiming that all the Vietnamese migrants he knew of had been told to offer a version of the same lie.
“Yes. A lie. I was not trafficked,” he said.
Migration experts and NGOs have a range of views about the scale of trafficking from Vietnam.”

Yet the NGO woman still insists they are genuine refugees 😮 I suppose it’s understandable, when your entire life’s work and identity is based around the self declared belief that you are the good guy helping the poor, when in actual fact you are just helping rich criminals it must be very difficult to admit you have been played.
How do the BBC get away with publicly acknowledging that criminal behaviour is taking place but not reporting the crime to the authorities??
It seems the Beeb are starting to take a more question migrant stance. Second report in a day.

From the article.

“I heard from my friends in the UK that life is much better there, and I can find a way to make some money,” said the man, who did not want to give his name.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck it’s a duck. In this case the duck is an economic migrant.
We can’t go upsetting mummy 🤡

Why not deport the mother as well then, if she can't support herself? That's perfectly legal under EU law, and the UK aren't even in the EU now so have even less of an obligation to keep her here. Wonderful benefit to the country she and her family have been so far. She can't even be that old if he was in a youth prison in 2012.
We can’t go upsetting mummy 🤡

So many questions. If the mother relies on him for her "day to day" care does that mean we can't imprison him either should he indulge in another little bit of drug dealing, robbery, or something a bit more escalated? Who is going to care for her mental health then? After all should he go to Portugal she can always climb on the magic flying bird to join him. It would, on the other hand, be exceptionally difficult to "provide care" from Strangeways during a five stretch.

And given his background and previous record even the usual suspects would admit that it wouldn't be a major shock if he is convicted again....
So many questions. If the mother relies on him for her "day to day" care does that mean we can't imprison him either should he indulge in another little bit of drug dealing, robbery, or something a bit more escalated? Who is going to care for her mental health then? After all should he go to Portugal she can always climb on the magic flying bird to join him. It would, on the other hand, be exceptionally difficult to "provide care" from Strangeways during a five stretch.

And given his background and previous record even the usual suspects would admit that it wouldn't be a major shock if he is convicted again....
I’m sure she’d get over it just like his victims had to 🙄


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