60% of the increase in the UK population between 2004 and 2022 was due to the direct contribution of net migration. Net migration has exceeded natural change for the majority of the past 20 years. And in the next 22 years the population of the UK is estimated to be at 77 million. How on earth people think this amount of change won’t destabilise a country I don’t know. There are already parts of the country where ‘white British’ is a minority but to say that somehow makes you racist.
Unfortunately I think we will be at war within the next 22 years. Fighting not only enemies from abroad, but those already on our shores too.
Not a nice thought, however I can really see that occurring.
The question is what will the lefties who have supported all this for years do, when it finally kicks off here?
Wave the white flag, or finally admit they have been wrong all along.
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