Emily we know you read this forum, so 2 quick points for you…either you are genuinely struggling, or you’re faking the struggle for insta content. If you’re genuinely struggling that much, speak to your health visitor. If not for yourself, for your child. And if you’re faking it, sort yourself out!! It’s just mocking the women who genuinely do struggle, but don’t post it all over social media. Try interacting with your baby. Go to a mother and baby group off your own back instead of waiting for a ‘PR invite’ and hoping you’ll be paid a fee/get freebies. Your child is more than likely BORED. It is not healthy mentally or physically for a baby to be confined to a chair or a swing all day. Try taking her for a walk, or actually playing with her!
And for the love of God, have a day off from instagram will you?!