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Jeez. The amount of biscuits/cakes/snacks she buys is insane. Like how many of these things do they eat in a week. They must each eat a whole pack of Oreos at a time, obv followed by garlic bread
Rage baiting.She’s actually taking the piss with the mini fridge restocks. That is not normal in the slightest.
Unfortunately this attitude is very common these days. Too much effort for most parents now to actually parent and far too much emphasis on letting kids do what they want because having to wait 'damages their mental health' or something.What I worry most is that these kids are going to go into adulthood not understanding the term no, or waiting/saving up for something at all. For all the temper tantrums my daughter had when she was younger because I wouldn't give her a cookie every day, she's now grown up to have patience and perseverance. I taught her to budget and that sometimes you have to wait for something you want.
I don't think these kids are going to be able to function as independent adults, and that is a real tragedy. They deserve so much better
I don't think that alicia has ever said no to her kids. It won't kill her kids to have to wait to get something that they want.Unfortunately this attitude is very common these days. Too much effort for most parents now to actually parent and far too much emphasis on letting kids do what they want because having to wait 'damages their mental health' or something.
I honestly cannot believe last weeks fridge restock. That is child abuse at the highest level. Haven’t watched this weeks yetShe’s def taking the piss with this weeks mini fridge restock just shoving a whole watermelon in it.
Watermelon, Lemons, Dragonfruits - what a lovely, video-friendly, coincidence that everyone picked a different fruit, and I assume the watermelon and dragonfruit kids will be given a knive to open them at their leisure. Never mind that some of those fruit don't go into the fridge. 100% piss taking. Passive agressive piss taking no less.She’s def taking the piss with this weeks mini fridge restock just shoving a whole watermelon in it.
Boring. Her only pull is the sub-heading: for my 11 kids.The bedding vlog