Dougherty Dozen

A big household like that, so many other kids and overstretched parents/guardians, probably isn't the right environment for most teenage girls that probably werent oblivious to their bio mom's struggles. And thats not even considering the regimented Social Media madness orchestrated by an attention seeking control freak. And the resulting social pressures in school.

For all her love of listing all the issues her children have, are any of them actually seeing a counsellor or psychiatrist?
She only got the twins one PS5 to share for their birthday, but we can stop the prayer circle now, Jason got an Xbox for Christmas - unfortunately no additional TV.
And the mini fridges, lol, as if those children need any more enabling in the snack department.
That fugly senior ring cost over 500$ .

And someone explain to me how, whoever the kid with the sensory issues is, that needs to have a really toned down party and not too many presents on his birthday, is able to cope with the absolute carnage that is Christmas in that house.
I don't know if we can share links on Tattle but this video covers ALL of her awful behaviour - with proof. I was really shocked.
Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 13.11.18.png
She buys a small pack of organic chicken (for one person!), an organic seedy bread and some kale and then sits down to see how much of an inpact 'buying organic' has made to her shop's total? While also impulse buying 10 pounds of cookies on her way out and almost forgetting the random other bits she picked up?
Seeing her handle one kid insisting on eating more healthy and organic is going to be hilarious. I wonder if he's had a little sneak at the video @didisaythatoutloudoops mentioned, or a DCP vlog.
Don't get me started on her buying every flavour or rice cake because he didn't specify what he wants.
Her food hoarding actually gets worse. I get what she says about food security. But when does that become an expression of her own mental health issues or personality disorder. She is passing a different type of food obsession onto her already vulnerable children. Not to mention the fact that the money she has spent and things she has wasted her income on could have bought them a property that is fit to house the 11 children she has fostered or adopted. She said she hasn’t done that because one day they’ll be leaving home and her and Josh will be rattling around a big house. Well then Alicia just down size.
Her food hoarding actually gets worse. I get what she says about food security. But when does that become an expression of her own mental health issues or personality disorder. She is passing a different type of food obsession onto her already vulnerable children. Not to mention the fact that the money she has spent and things she has wasted her income on could have bought them a property that is fit to house the 11 children she has fostered or adopted. She said she hasn’t done that because one day they’ll be leaving home and her and Josh will be rattling around a big house. Well then Alicia just down size.

Her food storage is INSANE! Like wow, they could feed an entire street with her storage. I do not understand why she keeps feeding the children so much crap though…..
Not to mention the fact that the money she has spent and things she has wasted her income on could have bought them a property that is fit to house the 11 children she has fostered or adopted. She said she hasn’t done that because one day they’ll be leaving home and her and Josh will be rattling around a big house. Well then Alicia just down size.
Take that with a bucket of salt. She is trying to give the impression everything is as planned. She herself let slip that they are planning to move to a bigger house over a year ago. It never happened (rumor is they couldn't get a morgage, don't have enough in savings and/or their current house with the then broken septic was worthless), later she said it was nonsense, just an unfounded internet rumor. If you listen carefully there are a lot of situations where she attempts to retroactively explain things she let slip at some point.

Her food storage is INSANE! Like wow, they could feed an entire street with her storage.
The shelves bending under all the weight ...

I laugh when she calls the muffins healthy. Where i’m from muffins are not healthy, they’re eating as a sweet treat just like a doughnut. You wouldn’t have them for breakfast unless on holiday lol
Exactly. Muffins, doughnuts, cookies, cakes, sugary cereal ...
Don't get me started on Muffin Board Monday and her continued use of premade muffin mixes. Muffins are dead easy to make, she could easily pre-make mixes herself so she only has to add the wet ingredients on the day (she can even get a tutorial video out of it).

I believe her when she mentions food is her love language, but think social media has nudged this towards a parental (non-sexual) feeder fetish situation. She really needs to be confronted with her early videos where she goes on and on how her children can get addicted to carbs and sugar, and explain how that aligns with the way she feeds them today.