Hi ladies- I hope you don’t mind a technically undecided person stopping by here. I have found out I am very early pregnant. I am on hormonal contraception but do tests as part of my monthly routine after my friend had a horrendous experience of discovering an unwanted pregnancy right on the abortion limit.
I’m absolutely gutted. Never thought I’d be in this boat as had few miscarriages to conceive my daughter.
We could definitely have another baby. No financial worries or anything like that- but I just don’t want to parent more than one child
I was one and done, my husband a bit more open and waiting a few months before he booked in the snip.
I haven’t told him yet. I have the number for the booking line in my area and I’m just planning on keeping it quiet for a couple of weeks. I think I need to know if it’s a viable pregnancy before I make the decision. With my history I could just start bleeding tomorrow, or see an empty sac. Just feel like I need all the information so I can never ‘what if…’