PSA to all the Whanker fans, enablers and apologists who lurk here, your leader is a bare faced liar and none of you are his friends, he will sell you out and screw you over without a second thought. Remember all the times he said he had all our names and addresses and his “legal team” had prepared lawsuits and we would be receiving the letters that week? That was over a month ago and not one single letter has been received, because he’s a LIAR! Trust Pilot gave him no information, HE LIED, all our reviews were honest and verified, HE LIED, he didn’t issue lawsuits, HE LIED. The only person currently in trouble with the law is him, for his actions and behaviour that was all caught on camera, he will be in court, not us. If you believe he’s in “recovery” while openly taking drugs and drinking, if you believe he loves women while showing himself to be a complete misogynist, if you think he wants to save people and cares about that and not being FAMOUS and if you honestly think he is truthful and not a LIAR, then for now we can’t help you, but when the day comes, when you have your epiphany as we all have then we will be here, because we have all been you.
I know it’s hard to believe given what you read here, but we all got sucked in, we all believed him, we all gave him our money and he shat all over us, our money went up his nose or was gambled away, but more importantly he took our hopes and desires for a better life for ourselves and crushed them. For me it was years ago and with the help of friends from the group we got ourselves back together and moved on, but the damage runs deep because our weight, our body image and how we feel about ourselves is core to our life and hard to move on from. Please don’t feel a fool or hide away because of there’s one thing this man is good at it’s convincing people to believe in him and in selling a good story, his victim mentality is strong and he uses it to his advantage.
Ask yourself how many times you’ve read the “Aren’t I amazing, look what I’ve achieved despite everyone else being a bleep” post? How many times have you heard “I lost 8 stone and kept it off” despite it being blatantly obvious that he hasn’t and looks the most unhealthy and unfit he has in years.
Dont fall for the chat, open your eyes and ears and when you do you are more than welcome to come and join us, no names needed, we are all anonymous and no judgement because we are you, we have just been lucky enough to get out and one day you will too.