Daily Gratitude #3

Today I am grateful I remembered to bring in my secret santa present for work, I'd have been skinned alive if I forgot seeing as it was a day late already 😬
Yesterday I was grateful for a fun cheap Xmas event with my child

Today I am grateful I had a productive day at work which has eased my stress immensely
Today I am grateful for my life, as much as I complain I've got a good job i don't hate, a wonderful child, a warm safe home, and little luxuries. I'm definitely guilty of taking it for granted sometimes
Today I'm grateful for so many things.

It's chucking it down outside but I'm home, clean, warm and fed, getting ready for an early night with my new book.
We celebrated a lovely and chill family birthday. Sometimes I leave family gatherings drained and foggy but today was so nice.
I managed to wake up early around my usual time after spending weeks feeling awful in the mornings.
I was able to do my laundry after ignoring it for over a week.
I was able to enjoy a day like this thanks to our health.

My mind has been like a swamp for a while now, but today felt like a rare clear sky. I hope it carries on like this but even if it doesn't, I really appreciated and made the most of a day of functioning well, spent with loved ones.
Today I am grateful for a lovely birthday with love and gifts from family and friends. Also getting to share it with a friend who is relatively new in my life and who I had a lovely, festive lunch with when I normally just spend it at home or at work.