Daily Gratitude #3

I've been slacking as been having a rubbish few days so hard to see the positives in it 😕

Wednesday I was grateful for my bed to myself

Thursday I was grateful that a family member who's in hospital isn't as poorly as we first thought

Today I am grateful for a clean house, always makes me feel a little better when everything is clean & tidy.
Yesterday I was grateful that my mum’s funeral went without a hitch and that everything we thought wouldn’t work out, ended up going perfectly. I’m grateful that so many people loved my mum.
Saturday I was grateful to have seen my baby niece and how much she's grown

Sunday I was grateful to have put up the Christmas decor for the first time with OH

Yesterday I was grateful to have started working out again and feeling the dopamine hit almost instantly

Today I am grateful that I've nearly caught up at work
Yesterday I was grateful to make a decision that benefitted me, even though it was scary and I was worried what others opinions would be regarding it.

Today I am grateful I got up for a workout and a mooch around the shops
Today I am grateful to have received a small amount of money from my mum’s estate which means that I have been able to pay for nice gifts for my darling nieces, as well as some nice gifts for myself before Christmas. Mum was a classic for sending us money for Christmas and birthdays and it feels like she’s been able to do it for us one last time ❤️