
It’s actually a pisstake that she’s advertising anything diet related! Let’s face it, she’s not dieting, she might as well continue to keep it real with her tea & biscuits and takeaways!

she can’t stick to anything. She was going gym all the time but her body didn’t change one bit so was ovb still eating shite all the time, now she’s just lazy!
i’m about a quarter of the size of her and wouldn’t have the balls to do a reel like that…I think she has body dysmorphia and sees a petite size 8 in the mirror not the absolute WHOPPER that she is 😱

you just wouldn’t dare would you? I didn’t wanna open instagram and see her doing that. Didn’t need to see the belly.
She’s gone crazy mental with all the ads. I’m sure she was the one who said you can only post 3 per day? Not sure if I’m making that up but if true she well pushes the limit. She’ll say she’s doesn’t post just ads which is true however it doesn’t matter if you post utter tit in between you are still posting ads. It’s so obvious with her she’ll post any ad, she doesn’t even try to hide it!
A few months ago all she talked about was how lazy she was with her eyebrows and now she’s advertising eyebrow tamer 🤣 it kind of makes a mockery! Also guessing the diet app is no longer being used 🫢
And always applied her foundation with her fingers 🤢
Now, here she is advertising makeup AND makeup brushes, one of which she hadn't even opened but was happily saying how good it is 🥱
She definitely reads here 😂


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