VIP Member
Really though? Can we "discuss" these things? I have spent 18 months researching this from the fraudulent pcr test through to the experimental vaccines and beyond. You on the other hand have taken your jabs and feel it is for the best.. we are never going to agree. I (and 1000s of experts) won't make you change your mind and you (and a billion pound marketing campaign) won't make me change my mind so what is the point in coming over to argue? Initially yes there was a case for trying to "save" people either by getting or refusing the jab but now everyone here has made their decision so why have a go at them. Like I said, I wouldn't go on a "I love the vaccine" thread and start calling them all sheep and telling them that they are going to die. So why bother coming here and doing it. No discussion needs to be had. We have REFUSED the vaccine.I haven’t seen lots of people. There has been one or two. Just like there has been abuse given to people who take the vaccine. I have always said it happens on both sides of the argument. By your very comments - you seem bothered why I have taken the vaccine so instead of asking me why am I bothered that you are declining it - why don’t you ask yourself the same thing? Why are you so bothered about people taking it?
I have not had a go at anyone. I am having a discussion with you (well I am trying) but failing. I think I will leave it at that. I wish you well and have a nice day.