No one is defending anything, it is providing context. This isn't a race to the bottom. The majority of the 2,000 staff working for the department for health are civil servants on relatively low salary bands, they aren't all fat cats earning 150k+ a year, they work hard, they also pack their own lunch and expensed dinners are when you work significantly outside your hours. No one goes to their office 9-5 and packs a dinner.
This isn't taking away from the hard work NHS staff do, or how much they should earn, it is a normal "perk" to many jobs and completely blown out of proportion to provide a "gotcha story".
The amount wasted on dodgy procurement for PPE contracts, that is an outrage.
Steve and his 200 colleagues getting a £15 takeaway curry for working 18 hours during a pandemic response when their canteen is shut is a distraction.
Also £1 takeaway pizzas in central London...yeah good luck with that.