Just because OUR lockdown rules are stronger than yours doesn't mean you guys shouldn't curb your behaviour and take good care of yourselves! I have not been outside of my front door for 13 days. I am climbing the walls but I am happy to do this because I know the sooner everyone plays the game the sooner I get my freedom back!I think you're being very over critical.
Theres absolutely ZERO delivery slots. I waited 4 hours yesterday with Asda and the earliest i could get was the 21st of April.
He probably got his lottery ticket in Sainsburys, got petrol on the way home and then went to the park for fresh air.
All of which, in my eyes, are fine under OUR lockdown rules.
Yours are very very different so until we implement the same as you, people will carry on.
BTW He didn't get his lottery ticket in Salisbury's as he'd forgotten and so made yet another stop. As I say ..touch touch touch