I can see Corey being offed because Corrie loves to sensationalise serious topics for the fun of it (Geoff falling off the roof after a big storyline about domestic violence, Alina’s miscarriage pushed to the sidelines and treated badly by Fizz).
I want to punch him in the face, he makes my skin crawl, he’s just so loathsome. Which is testament to Maximus Evans’s acting. The wink was great, glad they didn’t have Corey being all awkward or sheepish around Abi because that’s not his character at all.
Abi hit the nail on the head about Imran putting all his effort in getting Kelly off and not sending Corey down. Plus shouldn’t Sabeen have said something because she knows that Stefan paid off the witness to change their story? I hope Imran doesn’t end up shagging Sabeen but I can see that’s where the storyline is headed.