Clemmie Telford #5 There once was an a-hole from Peckham who likes to buy houses and wreck’em

Thing is she knows all the instahuns will tell her how great she looks and it obvs fulfils some need she’s not getting met elsewhere. Her blokes a lot younger and gets to run the house of doom and kids whilst she is very important on the internet showing off her hair and using people’s life stories for free to make money.
They're the same age, he just looks younger.
In your dreams budget Claire Clemmie in your dreams 😂🤡😂

Yeah the lines round her mouth must be from smoking, they’re so entrenched.

I agree she can’t help her face but would you try not to pull that gormless face that makes it look like you’re constantly smelling tit? Like I would have watched that video back and thought “oh I do not look great here people are gonna focus on my weird expression”

To say she paid for the hair, I’ve done a temp DIY job that looks more even than that.
She look like she is heading for the same car crash route as Not So Smug Now with the long dyed hair, the long fake nails...they look like they are trying soooooo hard to look younger once they hit their 60 40's but they just end up looking like old playmate about to retire to be honest...😂🤡😂