Clemmie Telford #5 There once was an a-hole from Peckham who likes to buy houses and wreck’em

Also slightly off topic a bit but her posting about the Modern Nursery reminded me that I bought these bloody foam floor tiles from there for around £50 when I had my baby 🙈🙈🙈 I was that sucked down the rabbit hole 🙄

Didn't she once post about finding the homeless people in Peckham really gross and she "doesn't need to see that kind of thing" while walking her precious treasures to school? Then said post was promptly deleted after the backlash she received (of course..). She's always looked as if she's been dragged through a bush backwards!! She just unfortunately is the type of person who could wear the coolest and/or most expensive brands and still look like a huge toddler that, to quote 2019 tattle, got dressed in the dark! Soz Clem mate, it's just who you are. Oh and your house sucks.