Very subtle gifted trip begging there, Carrie.
Maybe I’m overreacting, but this has really irritated me. It’s always irritated me seeing her and her family have free lavish gifted trips when they can afford to pay for their own trips whilst I have to work double nursing shifts to save for a holiday. I know I’m not alone having to work longer hours to fund holidays however this time around it’s irritated me more knowing so many people are struggling financially and have lost jobs due to the current circumstances yet she’ll still happily beg for a free trip whilst she appears to be facing no financial concerns whatsoever. I can imagine her being totally oblivious to how some people are struggling financially right now, I hope my point makes some sense Maybe I’m just bitter as our Disney world trip was cancelled due to Covid and we spent two years saving and paying it off and now my boyfriend’s lost his job I don’t know when or if we’ll be able to take a holiday. I’m sure lots of people would love (and really deserve) a Disney vacation right now, especially a gifted one. Sorry for the rant!
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