VIP Member
bloody hell!
Been trying to work out why she’s misrepresenting that the regulator will referee her Lady Bountiful contest.
1. Generous interpretation- she genuinely doesn’t know that they wouldn’t get involved in operational decisions of CICs. She is pretty thick, so not beyond the realms of possibility. She has no idea how she’d make a grant, she wants someone to tell her what to do.
2. Delaying tactic. @VeniVidiVicki is correct and she’s deliberately running down the clock until she’s past the refund date.
3. Bullshitting tactic. The money‘s gone but she’s just shitflinging this nonsense in an attempt to obfuscate this until everyone forgets about it(it’s the Sue Lee strategy that worked for Monroe).
3a As part of this, she may cobble together the remnants of whatever is left to make one or two small grants to use as proof of the largesse. These can then be brandished as “proof”- they will never add up to anything like £100k or better still £240k but they’ll enable her flying monkies to do their work. Anyone she doesn’t want to work with, possibly all of them, can be regretfully “refused” by the regulator.
4. It’s just another part of a general sort of miasma of nonsense that she auto generates on receipt of any criticism- things are terribly difficult, unseen forces conspire against her, she bravely struggles through them, no one does as much as her etc etc, then when the regulator “fails” to help her, there’s another fucker that’s just failed her again, doesn’t care about starving orphans etc etc…
Also, she’s managed to feed nigh on another 300 people since two weeks ago when it was 3717. Isn't that marvellous! She’s hit 5% of the population of Harlow.
yeah I'm wondering if perhaps the "CIC regulator" might say "oh sorry none of you are suitable nobody gets the money SORRY IT'S OUT OF MY HANDS", but I don't know if this whole debacle involves such a layer of cunning