Candice Brathwaite #3

Why is Candice so famous? I only think she got famous at the back of BLM in the Summer. If this presenter role was never given to her why make it into something big? And thats what makes the whole thing sad, she was not selected to present at all

She's making it into something big because she's been manifesting about this sort of thing, therefore she believes she's entitled to it. I think she'd probably make a decent channel 5 talk show host.
Rochelle is fronting this documentary because she's black and famous.
I know she's mixed race but the world will view her as black. I can totally see why she has been chosen, whether I agree with it or not. Tbh it would have great if candice did appear and talk about her experiences rather than throw her toys out the pram because surely the most important thing is to get the message out there and we can only do this by more and more black women with following coming forward and telling the white world what is going on.

Maybe. But Rochelle was never bought up with her black side gave birth in a private hospital and has said she and Marvin will not discuss racism in their house. Rochelle also never spoke up about race issues until BHM and trying to flog her curly hair products.
Rochelle is fronting this documentary because she's black and famous.
I know she's mixed race but the world will view her as black. I can totally see why she has been chosen, whether I agree with it or not. Tbh it would have great if candice did appear and talk about her experiences rather than throw her toys out the pram because surely the most important thing is to get the message out there and we can only do this by more and more black women with following coming forward and telling the white world what is going on.

Her target audience aren't even interested in a programme like this let's just be real. More tone deafness from production companies.
Late to this debate about the documentary/documentaries. When I saw Candice’s post yesterday I had two thoughts:

1. Candice made a living exploiting women. The issue about the disgraceful mortality rates amongst black women receiving maternity care is both a race issue and a women’s issue. Candice cannot advocate on behalf of women, given her history as an exploiter of women. She is also not nearly experienced enough; no amount of manifestation or crystal rubbing is going to give her the skill needed to present an important, hopefully revolutionary documentary on the BBC.

2. Rochelle is also not the right presenter. She has the skill, likeability and the reach. But having birthed in private hospitals and as a celebrity (who will be listened to by medical professionals in any setting), makes her far removed from the situation which is attributed to so many different things.

I would have liked to see a black woman who wasn’t British born present this. Someone who had learnt English as a second language. Alternatively someone like The Doctor Mummy who admittedly doesn’t have the media experience, but is a black mother who birthed and works within the NHS, and championed this from the start.

I agree with all of this. There are a whole host of Black and Brown health professionals on social media that would have been a better fit than either of these two. Yes Candice has spoken a lot about motherhood and has touched on Black maternal deaths a few times but she is still no expert. Shes an expert in pimpdom. She does have a lived experience of birth trauma however. Does that make her the best fit for thus show? Black women are 4x more likely to die and mixed race 3 x so it does affect the racial group that Rochelle sits in too. Its like its a competition of who is most likely to die. Rochelle has monetary privilege and so does Candice now. Neither are suited to the documentary and now we have a situation where one woman is getting sympathy over a documentary that she was never asked to present and the other, having just had a baby and probably feeling pretty vulnerable, is getting insane abuse on social media for not refusing to take part.

Colourism is real and rife in the UK, we know this. Its an issue that needs to be dealt with separately because at the moment, all the white media are doing is laughing at a bunch of Black people attacking each other over it.
Why are people claiming Candice has the 'expertise'? Yes as a Black women she suffered serious complications so has first hand experience, but that in no way makes her the expert on what is a complex, multi-factorial issue. I'll say this again, presenters have never been required to have even had first hand experience, let alone been an expert on the topic.
Maybe. But Rochelle was never bought up with her black side gave birth in a private hospital and has said she and Marvin will not discuss racism in their house. Rochelle also never spoke up about race issues until BHM and trying to flog her curly hair products.

Her target audience aren't even interested in a programme like this let's just be real. More tone deafness from production companies.

Giving birth in a private hospital will not preclude her from facing discrimination. Along with other black women, Serena Williams gave birth in a private hospital and still faced discrimination. Let's say Rochelle is not the best person, but thinking that going private can buy her way out of this issue in problematic.
Why are people claiming Candice has the 'expertise'? Yes as a Black women she suffered serious complications so has first hand experience, but that in no way makes her the expert on what is a complex, multi-factorial issue. I'll say this again, presenters have never been required to have even had first hand experience, let alone been an expert on the topic.
I think that’s true. For example if you think of someone like Louis Theroux, he is a wonderful presenter and has no real experience of most of the situations he finds himself in. That allows him to look at things objectively and keep a distance from the subject matter.
Why are people claiming Candice has the 'expertise'? Yes as a Black women she suffered serious complications so has first hand experience, but that in no way makes her the expert on what is a complex, multi-factorial issue. I'll say this again, presenters have never been required to have even had first hand experience, let alone been an expert on the topic.
This exactly, the only documentary Candice would be good for presenting and having editorial control is one about Candice. The fact that she refuses to participate unless she got a presenting roll does seem to back up that she doesn't care about raising awareness and the cause.

If she wants full editorial control then she should put together her own documentary and release it on her page, these things are easy and inexpensive to do these days.

She knew very well before her vague bait misleading comments at the weekend that she was never in the running. But she saw an opportunity to whip up attention and drag someone else for her own benefit.
I’m confused how her lived experience gives her expertise to present the documentary.

Her lived experience means she’s one of the best people to share their story and give people an insight into what really goes on in hospitals. What a shame her ego wouldn’t allow her to.

As a side note to the previous comment about did BLM make her famous, I followed her before this but it did skyrocket her from about 30k I think to now 200K. In the last thread some did say that it was a lucky coincidence for her that her book released at the same time as it meant more people were recommending books like hers and why I’m not longer talking about race. Ironically I started following Candy because racist Susie Verrill posted a story in the back of a car saying “if anyone hurts Candice I’ll cut you” I’d love to know if they’re still friends after Susie’s racist tweets came to light thanks to Tattlers.
I’m confused how her lived experience gives her expertise to present the documentary.

Her lived experience means she’s one of the best people to share their story and give people an insight into what really goes on in hospitals. What a shame her ego wouldn’t allow her to.

As a side note to the previous comment about did BLM make her famous, I followed her before this but it did skyrocket her from about 30k I think to now 200K. In the last thread some did say that it was a lucky coincidence for her that her book released at the same time as it meant more people were recommending books like hers and why I’m not longer talking about race. Ironically I started following Candy because racist Susie Verrill posted a story in the back of a car saying “if anyone hurts Candice I’ll cut you” I’d love to know if they’re still friends after Susie’s racist tweets came to light thanks to Tattlers.

She knew this controversy would get her more followers as she had been stuck at 204k for months. Now she's gained another 8k overnight as a result of the egotistical, Ill truthed rant. Brands need to see her popularity increase otherwise her deals will dry up. She cares so much and is so passionate about the issue that she won't be involved unless it's her in the limelight smh.
All I ever seem to see is stories of Candice moaning and complaining. Has Rochelle not just been chosen as she is more famous so to the tv channel it will gain more views? Why does it always have to be about colour of skin? Same goes for any race or colour if someone is more famous they usually gain more views. Will smith for example or other stats would promote a film better than less famous stars. Is it really because she is “blacker” genuinely? I couldn’t care less the colour of either of their skin. Seems neither are qualified to talk about the subject. They’re both black so it’s more reasonable to have them presenting it I guess however, as someone previously mentioned many presenters don’t need to be the colour of the subject discussed in order to create a documentary. Saw Amber Gill saying she gets a lot of crap for being not fully black as she has lighter skin so isn’t allowed to fight for BLM when she was doing the protests etc 🤷‍♀️ she got a lot of abuse for that too so I see both sides.
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