Cancer Influencers #10

Who is this about?
Che_momcologist is mum to a little girl called Poppy, she had a bone marrow transplant but was told in August that her cancer had returned and there was no options, they have decided against trials or looking into alternative treatments and letting nature take its course, I believe she's on a dose of oral chemo but it won't cure her. They had a GFM so that her husband could take time off work to help with hospital stays and there older son. The GFM is for making memories and fulfilling a bucket list!
Who is this about?
And “it’s been a Year but we’ve still not reached our target”
That's cos she's taken some already to pay for Disney!

personally I'm sick of her saying "this causes cancer" "that causes cancer" chemo is toxic blah blah blah! Chemo has kept me alive for 7years! She's very very negative about having cancer and I feel her spending hours and hours researching alternative therapies is taking time and energy away from making those memories with her children!
I don’t want to criticise anyone who gives to Go Fund Mes because it is quite a personal thing… but it doesn’t sound like that woman is even attempting to hide how grabby she is. There’s a saying about ‘if someone shows you their true colours, believe them’ and if folk want to donate to someone with a professional footballer husband then more fool them 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Cancer shows no discrimination, maybe she feels like someone should literally pay for what she’s going through but it doesn’t work like that
I don’t want to criticise anyone who gives to Go Fund Mes because it is quite a personal thing… but it doesn’t sound like that woman is even attempting to hide how grabby she is. There’s a saying about ‘if someone shows you their true colours, believe them’ and if folk want to donate to someone with a professional footballer husband then more fool them 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Cancer shows no discrimination, maybe she feels like someone should literally pay for what she’s going through but it doesn’t work like that
Very true. No one deserves to be going through this but the one thing you have to do and learn is expect it! This is life now and I believe that life is for living but I wouldn't hound people or go on the beg! She's been told she's stage 4 there's so many more treatments out there that she can have but she's focused on getting rid of it with unfortunately won't happen! I'd understand if they said there wasn't anything else out there for her to try and was told to go home and live her last few days/weeks/months with family but she hasn't!
So many commented on her post which comment did she reply to ???
Someone commented Post your gofund she replied I will thanks for saying !!!!!
Like in her head because someone asked her for the link it's OK to beg and take their money but live an extravagant life !!
Has she actually showed where any of the money goes ?
None of them do really! They just think everyone is stupid (well some of them are when they don't realise it's being spent on everything but) and won't question them!
Che's expecting a baby in the new year (said she was in the second trimester and showed an ultrasound picture)
She announced her pregnancy a few weeks ago! A lot was asking if she was having this baby to help Poppy
Just seen Rachs story. She been reading here after someone messaged her to tell her she's been mentioned! She's not interested though (but still looked) why do these insta people talk about the site if they hate it so much! Your only drawing people to here (that's how I knew about tattle because someone I followed mentioned it I came to be nosey and the rest is history) she's going to start to list what she's spending the GFM on..... she mentioned a few things that she has that are expensive but I'm sorry but you CHOOSE to have these so you should be funding them yourself! She also mention that she can't work now or before she got ill because of working hours between school hours..... isn't that what after school clubs/childminders are for? Mentioned she can't work now due to scans, appointments etc! You are allowed to work around appointments in a workplace, and appointments and scan dates are normally given in advance, also you are allowed to change scan dates! She's just full of tit really! I know a lot of people who are stage 4 who work, and there's also working from home too!
It’s probably Stephanie Vavron who told her. She has threads here and I mentioned Rach on there (the toxic Vavron shared about her and I think it’s because they sound similar). And Vav is on Tattle more than I am, so…

And don’t mean to patronise anyone but if you want to check out what Rach said but you don’t follow her, check through something like Instanavigation if you’re using your own IG
She probably would of had 100 thousand if she didn't spend a big chunk of it splurging in holidays designer clothes etc.
Specially given her financial circumstances she's definitely not short a penny or two
The acting as though she's a single parent
And begging at every opertunity her reason for the post the other day was for people to donate again didn't see her stories I've unfollwed her now on insta if anyone wants to post screenshots