Callie Thorpe - plus sized cringe-fest

I made it my goal through lock down not to sit around all day. Although i have worked in my office and WFH i took the time to go for walks and have nearly finished C25k. Although i wasn't classed as a key worker, work for me was draining and full on all i wanted to do was sleep and watch films.
I think it shows with some Plus Size Bloggers that if someone isn't paying them to do it, they wont do anything. No free holidays to 'travel' too, no gyms to be the face of for overweight people scared of the gym, no restaurants to visit or cocktails to sip. They are just a bit redundant now. People have little to no money to put a roof over their heads let alone by what ever crap someone is being paid to tell them they need.

Maybe if she took some time she is sat about to look at her position she might make something good out of this situation. Learn a new hobby that is free/cheep. Exercise (run,walk) document some walking routes based on how long you want to be our for, woods/parks/fields. Picnic spots by water or wildlife. Routes for children/families with buggies or an unfit family member. People with mobility issues, where can they go and what can they see? Any thing near her!! Just anything other then her hot tub/pizza oven/ hammock!
I've think you have hit the nail on the head with this particular blogger. She has contributed nothing throughout lockdown unless it has been to sell something- chub rub and expensive icecream being two memorable one - she has been called out on her excessive spending and her association with Anthropology has definitely highlighted her lack of integrity.

I guess her mindless posting of BLM material gives her something to do at the moment !!
I'm sorry but she looks grubby, like a chimney sweep or as though she has a 5 o'clock stubble...

this is something that is continually baffling me! Why is she always looking grey and grubby? Even with makeup on it’s not helping her at all? I know when I was at my biggest my ankles and knees were giving me such Pain! Pain first thing in the morning and pain all day. Losing weight was the absolute best thing for me and most importantly my health. Just to give a back of a background I’m also a plus size model who is signed with a very ‘known’ agency in Australia. I lost over 55 kilos and am still a plus size curvy girl. I’m a size 14 but I eat very healthy and run or walk an hour a day! My point being that Callie could still 40-50 kilos and be a plus size influencer.
She had that dress on this morning when she was cooking ! Grim !!! Same dress she always has on ! But hey she applied some of her 'signature ' lipstick so all is not lost !
Her signature lipstick that was horrendously applied. Yet another phrase for her to use. My 'signature' lip is bare seeing as I barely wear any lippie. Signature lip, wild swimming, Dan and I, farmers market...the list goes on...I'm sure there's some more of her stupid phrases but I cannot for the life of me remember them. Wonder what her signature scent is...
Her signature lipstick that was horrendously applied. Yet another phrase for her to use. My 'signature' lip is bare seeing as I barely wear any lippie. Signature lip, wild swimming, Dan and I, farmers market...the list goes on...I'm sure there's some more of her stupid phrases but I cannot for the life of me remember them. Wonder what her signature scent is...
Don't forget 'personal brand!' 😂
She has some really bad habits when it comes to how she eats certain things, fruit being one of them. She finds it necessary to coat everything in chocolate. Perhaps this explains her unhealthy appearance which is puzzling a lot of us, how can somebody with access to that much fresh fruit and veg look soo unhealthy ? Perhaps we have our answer! I wonder what she dips her veg in !!!