She will jump (well face plant) anything she thinks she can get attention from. I’m just so amazed she has no self reflection of what she’s become.
I am having a thoughtful evening for lots of reasons (Cali red by snoop mainly
) and whilst I fully blame her parents and the lanky strip of piss she’s married to for how she behaves. I don’t get how the friends (that she bangs on about especially the one that’s a counsellor) haven’t called her out on her bullshit.
i am a strong character (with adhd) shall we say im a typical Arian with all the worst traits and yet when i start over stepping the mark or being erm i wont say too much as that is always who i am, but if my banter cuts a little too much or I push a little too hard my friends are the first ones there calling me out on it. How does she have no one in her life that will not hold her accountable?
Those saltwaters just about fasten
Because she’s a sad
I don’t need to be a psychologist to diagnose that