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She’ll actually make a reel about pretty much anything at this stage won’t she?
there will be parents who see that reel who have lost children, not to mention the thousands of children being slaughtered in Gaza - children that she recently claimed her and Steve wished they could "save" - yet this insensitive witch is blubbering that her healthy, ten year old son has outgrown his favourite cuddly toy from toddlerhood. get a
bleeping GRIP, babs. and maybe try having the decency to put your "woe is me" content into perspective before sharing it.
what she also fails to realise is that she could have enjoyed the time she had with her kids when they were younger, actually engaged with them, fuelled her attention and time into playing with them, enjoying their childhood and making memories far more meaningful than a manky well-loved plushie hoardy in yet another storage box up in her top top tip instead of spending her time prioritising content, focusing all her attention on screens, ignoring her kids, living constantly in the future and wishing their toddler years away as she botched and moaned about how she hated being mother to a toddler and a baby, complain about pouty lipped toddlers and entirely age-appropriate tantrums, writing spiteful poems about how her "cruel" little boy and how he "ruins" everything and sharing it on the Internet for the world - and future Ethan - to read. give it a few years and she will be blubbering that the Es are no longer "tweenie teens", as she struggles with the AnXiEtY of them leaving home/going to uni or college etc, demanding Erin spends her final week in the hobbit house having mummy/daughter sleepovers in babs' bed so she can spend the night sniffing her head, shoving even more tat into bxoes "for the mems" because she needs tangible evidence of the kids' existence to serve as "memories", because she spent their entire lives staring at her phone, rolling her eyes when little E spoke to her and never paying any interest in their lives or hobbies unless it benefited HER by creating content, distracting them with sweets and tat and holidays to avoid having to actually spend time with them or feign interest in their lives. what a sad little life babs.
if she lives to see her 60s, she is going to be miserable and alone, barely able to move through all the tat hoarded in her tiny house, the kids having set boundaries which means they have zero contact with her and Sharky having taken the opportunity to skip off to Brighton to spend his later years living his best life with his true love George, her social media "career" long disintegrated as she stares at photos of the kids that she has aPsolutely no recollection of, because they were all faked and posed as she then rushed to sit on the sidelines of whatever activity etc they were doing so she could immediately upload them to IG. content prioritised over family, and when she is eventually forced to face the consequences of her narcissism, control and poor parenting, it will be far too late - plus she won't even have the babettes to whinge at, to seek sympathy and support and validate that it is aPsolutely NOT her fault that her kids
dislike her as she was always such a "great mum" - she'll have to reassure herself of that as she eye fucks herself in her grimy magic mirror.