Brittany Miller #9 everything about Brit is UN REAL istic

I feel for her baby don’t get me wrong but her coming on TikTok with the sob stories and blubbering is just no need!
I understand people with big followings like her putting up a little “I’ll be offline for a little bit because xyz” but sitting there with a full face of make up and your hair done doesn’t exactly scream concerned mother stuggling with sick babies.
Well said! Imagine prioritising make up over a sick baby! With one child it’s hard never mind 2! Last thing on my mind is makeup.


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I don't like this because... she's got previous for lying about an illness. With her 'look how sad I am' post she will get lots of extra attention that she can then milk because the other twin will get sicker... doesn't sit right at all.

Also I was waiting to be told why bronchiolitis is different in twins but??? 😩
My youngest had bronchiolitis and was in hospital for 5 days. it's horrible for babies and distressing for parents watching their baby being held down and a tube stuck down their throat and mine was on oxygen. would I fk have had full face of make up and hair done though I barely slept and I wasn't on social media making videos about my poorly child. Go look after yer kids brit stop being a whiny little witch there will no doubt be many trips to hospital with yer kids
Being cold/going swimming etc etc doesn’t make you ill people 🤦🏼‍♀️ as much as Brittney is a nob, this is the tit your granny would say to make you wear a coat. You get sick from viruses not being cold. People who live on the equator still get colds etc and it’s hot all the time.
Weather alone doesn’t make you unwell but it 100% does increase your chances of becoming ill