I follow (as best I can
) and support Brian Harvey.Def have a soft spot for him
But what’s people’s take on “Nikki Lee”?
I’d actually never heard of her
I find her an opportunist and abit of a hanger on for some ex celeb-status/exposure tbh.
Like what is she ACTUALLY doing??
What’s her purpose?? She’s just…. ‘there’
So I now actually don’t watch his YT channel anymore,Simply because of her presence.
This actually turned my stomach tbh,and I’ve not checked in since….
Because I noticed whenever there’s a live stream/chat
(Quite alot of messages people have took the time to write of support and would want Brian to hear,feel,know) she literally only reads out the comments that are about HER and skips past any others,goes quiet until she’s scrolled down to another one where her name is mentioned ESP if she’s been flattered or complimented.
She will literally repeat it aswell until she knows he’s bloody heard!
I wonder if he notices that or reads through them himself at some point and thinks ay
or why wasn’t that question for me on my channel read out too so I could answer it or that lovely comment encouraging me etc read out so I could say thank u…
That’s shady behaviour imo and at the end of the day people are on there for HIM,Not her.