Boris Johnson #6 Bin fire of the vanities

I don't think even he would have the gall to actually run for PM...Maybe just knowing that he is still "loved" by his sycophantic serfs/ministers would be enough to feed his Messiah Complex?

A reminder of Johnson's MO for those politicians with selective amnesia

Why the duck would anyone release this as an image of someone who some loonies want to have as their next leader?? o_O o_O o_O
He doesn't look well. Bit insensitive to ask but would he get a state funeral 🤔

He's a disgraced former PM. Let his pal Zelensky fork out for fancy funeral in Ukraine as he's so loved there?

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Why the duck would anyone release this as an image of someone who some loonies want to have as their next leader?? o_O o_O o_O

This is the only person-allegedly- who can lead the Tory party....Says it all really.

His hands look remarkably smooth though....He's never done any washing up..Just rinsing perhaps?
Who posted it?

Pretty sure it was that rampaging fascist 30P Lee Anderson.

I don't think even he would have the gall to actually run for PM...

A reminder of Johnson's MO for those politicians with selective amnesia

Oh he’d have the bloody gall all right. As long as he thought he’d win.
He started trying to shoehorn his female “friends” into jobs waaay before Jennifer Arcuri turned up.
I really hope this turns out to be media whipped up nonsense because I cannot fathom how Boris thinks running for PM again is in any way appropriate. I feel so strongly about it that if I physically had the spare time, I might be driven to protest. With a placard. As it is I'll probably have to settle for signing a petition or similar whilst quashing bubbling rage.