Big Olly #4 From Ching Ching to Clink Clink; The Big Man admits she was Risley’s Top Mink.

2 grand 😂😂😂 she probably didn't even have enough for her train fare up the road! Is it just me or is she looking really bloated recently or did she just hide it before?!
I noticed she’s looking swollen , that newbie lyndsay that’s team senorita is apparently an addiction worker , she is mouthing allsorts 🤯 , she is hopeless at her job if she thinks senorita is telling the truth about everything wow 🙈
As soon as a score hit her account it would have been lifted never mind £2000. She’s at the fanny
Of course she would have shes an addict !
That’s some scar on the big mans heid, thought she had had her much needed lobotomy but naw she’s still slevering shite