The recent video where KT is harping on about the upcoming Magic Key terrace really grinds my gears.
Holy projecting, Batman. She continually solicits thoughts and opinions from the viewers, while simultaneously poisoning the well and biasing the responses with her own baggage.
I’m paraphrasing, but it was something along the lines of ”What are your thoughts, guys? Are you excited about the new magic key terrace, or do you think it’s too little too late and Disney should go duck themselves?”
Before I moved into my mom’s basement and started living off my weekly allowance for doing chores around the house, I did a fair amount of user experience research around software.
You might be asking yourself, “Tom, with all of your pre-basement experience in the software industry, what would you say is rule #1 for obtaining thorough and honest qualitative feedback from people?”
I’m so glad you inquired. The key, of course, is to ask non-leading, open-ended questions.
If I asked my users questions like hers, I would have built products that nobody liked - because I valued my own opinion over those of the people that truly mattered.
As we continue to point out, nobody asked her to hitch her buggy to this horse. She made a conscious decision to bank her entire livelihood on a business that owes her nothing and will continue to act in its own best interest with zero regard for leeches like her.
Don‘t like the reservation system? No worries, there are thousands of other people to take your place who are more than happy to plan their trip in advance.
When you don’t have the time, money, or developmental deficiencies to go to the park 8 days a week like these two chuckleheads - a simple reservation ain’t all that much to ask.
Best remove ‘em.