Disney needs to realize these vloggers are not helping the company. I personally have chosen not to go several times after watching vloggers get loud and rude to innocent people at the park. I don't want to go to the park and be annoyed being around these people. And I've personally left numerous messages and emails expressing my displeasure of how Disney is allowing this (at my expense). Disney should buy out the better vloggers and build their own channel of vloggers that they sponsor. KT and Spencer only diminish the entire DL experience at this point. I would permanently ban them as they are just using this private entity for cash and their personalities are not on brand for the company. Disney would never feature these two entitled, unattractive, con artists in any official capacity, so it's 'best remove'em' for the true fans that have become discouraged and are not attending because of this garbage at the park.
This is so true!!
You probably remember, but a person here (apologies I can't remember which one of you it was) pointed out a BLAB video a couple of months ago which showed Spencer opening filming a poor woman in the park who happened to be sitting at a table Breastfeeding. The woman looks absolutely mortified but Spencer does not take the camera off her and continues to film.
Now I'm sure Spence would argue all day that he didn't realise, and maybe he didn't but that's not the point.
When he put on his editing pants, the breastfeeding woman made it through his edit... and when it finally got pointed out to him on here, they still left the video up.
So you can only assume from that, that Spence thinks it's okay to film, upload and share a video of a member of the public in the park breastfeeding when he could have and should have left it out.
It's not like the woman sat down while he was filming, she was already there and had chosen a quiet spot to do it.
Whatever your feelings are on breastfeeding in public (and I respect them) there was absolutely no need for Spencer to include this in the video, no need at all,
it was just creepy and wrong.
They are beyond disgusting, how Disney allows this kind of thing is beyond me. Something has to change where professional vlogging is concerned I hope it does.