Same. Also with the p-e-d-o talk. There are things to snark about, but that one goes to a very dark place and shouldn't be brought up (it is done on a lot of these forums but luckily most people don't like it either. and agree it should be off-limits) unless legally there is some backing.
As far as I know, no one has ever accused Spencer of being a child predator and you are quite right, no one ever should.
If anything we all know his thing is chasing after married woman.
I can only speak for myself when I say he dresses like one, and I will continue to f****ing say so!!! Just like my profile photo is merely poking fun at him.
Those two f*ckers are fair game..... you don't take a knife to a gunfight, or those two will trample all over us here.
I'm not going to agree to censor people, there is too much of that
tit going on right now in the world, last time I checked free speech was just about still in fashion.
I respect your opinion.... people have every right to not like a post.... and I respect your right to not like mine if you don't,
but in my own case, I will continue to say he dresses like a Child Predator... because he does. That being said, I'll never accuse him of being one either, because I don't think he is.
I definitely believe there is a line people shouldn't cross, but everyone has different moral values and everyone's line is different.
It's something not everyone is always going to agree on.
I reserve my right to not like something but fall short of telling a person not to do it, it's not my place, I'd only ever suggest.
If they want to go so far as to get themselves foolishly banned from the board, and that's what will happen for those who go too far, it's on them.