Becky Reynolds #4 Like a Beck out of Hell, JP'll be Gone Before The Morning Coooomes

It’s funny because her teef have really been grossing me out recently, they seem worse than ever. Becks get yourself an alarm to brush your teef, use a waterpik while you’re at it. I cannot stand the feeling on your teeth when you’ve had something with sugar so her teeth must be thick with sugar coating with all the crap she eats.

I completely agree. I hate the feeling of unbrushed teeth - it's the first thing I do in the morning. It's actually unpleasant to have a dirty mouth, I find it so uncomfortable. But then again - she's happy to remain in a body in which she struggles to breathe, walk, or go outside. It's a really sad state for a 30 year old.
She let one out
She looks like an American smeg fridge in that frock. I looked like that at one point, I got to a size 24 and I hated it… so I lost 3 stone and got down to a size 18. I don’t understand how anyone could willingly stay that size. It’s so uncomfortable and you’re out of breath all the time!
Becky has always been around my size. It’s why I watched her because she did actually influence me to buy certain clothes if they looked good on her.
I admit I have gotten bigger and I’m now around a 26/28. Becky now looks bigger than me and can really tell in this latest video her face and stomach are bigger. This on its own is fine..I’m morbidly obese too and yes got bigger so I understand and cannot judge but….shes no longer influencing me to buy the clothes because she keeps saying she is a 24 and squeezing herself into clothes which don’t fit and blaming the clothes isn’t a selling point.

Becky please just own your size.
She looks really really unhealthy with it. You can hear her gasping for breath when she speaks. The rate that she's gained is quite alarming. Her teeth are rotting, her hair is dry and dead looking and she struggles to walk. I don't think that's fine I think that's awful for a woman who is only 30, or anyone. She is buying a size 28 and even they look snug. Yet she blames the sizing every single time. Her being in such strong denial about the weight she has gained indicates to me that she's not happy with her size at all
She looks really really unhealthy with it. You can hear her gasping for breath when she speaks. The rate that she's gained is quite alarming. Her teeth are rotting, her hair is dry and dead looking and she struggles to walk. I don't think that's fine I think that's awful for a woman who is only 30, or anyone. She is buying a size 28 and even they look snug. Yet she blames the sizing every single time. Her being in such strong denial about the weight she has gained indicates to me that she's not happy with her size at all
I think she's not happy with her life full-stop. This not wearing her ring screams that things are not as hunky dory as she claims. She's engaged, the reason you wear the ring is to show this, not take it off and only wear it 'when you want', her words.
And don't get me started on the sizing issue and the fact things don't fit and her blaming the brands 🙄🙄
She's put on the weight since she moved in on her own. No one to see what she buys or eats, not that I think her parents would've said much anyway.
However she did say she was 'travelling' and going straight to a Halloween party when showing that first t-shirt so must've been to see the classically handsome fiancé right? And that would've been last week and not one photo of the happy loved up couple on her Instagram??
Fishy, very fishy 🐟
I think she's not happy with her life full-stop. This not wearing her ring screams that things are not as hunky dory as she claims. She's engaged, the reason you wear the ring is to show this, not take it off and only wear it 'when you want', her words.
And don't get me started on the sizing issue and the fact things don't fit and her blaming the brands 🙄🙄
She's put on the weight since she moved in on her own. No one to see what she buys or eats, not that I think her parents would've said much anyway.
However she did say she was 'travelling' and going straight to a Halloween party when showing that first t-shirt so must've been to see the classically handsome fiancé right? And that would've been last week and not one photo of the happy loved up couple on her Instagram??
Fishy, very fishy 🐟
If she was doing stuff and happy there would deffo be bragging photos she shared everything. No comments from her parents about the "engagement" either. It's all a load of bollocks. She's completely deluded
More of the same crap from her. Can she name a single store where a 26 fits her correctly? Any store at all, at this point? And if not, she's just objectively not a bloody 26. She might think it's unfair she's not a 26, but she factually isn't one.

I've said it before but I really do not think less of her for her weight alone. Obesity is incredibly difficult and there are so many factors leading to it that it's not a quick-fix issue and never will be. What I do judge her for is having the support system (her parents) and financial means TO fix this disease, and her choosing not to. She's a stupid fool for throwing her money away on handbags she doesn't use whilst struggling to breathe because of her weight. She's a grown woman and if she'd prefer to die prematurely with a Chanel bag in her meaty claws, rather than live a long, healthy, happy life with one less bag - I'm going to judge her for it.

As for the engagement... this is beyond weird and I now 100% think she's screwed herself over. I think she's nagged and moaned and pressured him into it, and he's done it on the condition she buys the ring and there's little fanfare. She gets the bare-minimum proposal thinking he'll come round and all will be hunky-dory. He, of course, doesn't - and it's back to absolute normal behaviour from him. The delusional idea she had in her mind that he'd turn into a romantic prince is shattered. What has she got to actually be excited about? He certainly isn't. And realistically, she's got no reason to wear that ring with pride or as any kind of symbol of their exclusive relationship - he seems to shag anything that moves and Becky is his last-resort, pop-over-for-the-weekend-with-gifts-for-me fling.
I do feel sorry for her @didisaythatoutloudoops though with JP as you can clearly see he’s just not that into her, but because she’s most likely insecure about herself she’s letting him treat her like tit.

Then again we all know you can’t make someone love you, so what’s the point of getting a man to force him to propose to you when it wasn’t really his natural idea in the first place. It’s never gonna work is it…
There's no excuse for her really. I follow instagrammers who are morbidly obese and they have nice skin, shiny hair, dress nicely, take care of themselves and don't sound like they're going into cardiac arrest talking about their cloves. Becky is a lazy, greedy cow who is in complete and utter denial. She needs to get off her arse, drink water and eat vegetables