"YouTube died years ago too." I mean, I get that a certain era of vlogging died out, sure. But stuff changes. Culture changes. People change. There are still many creators on there moving with the times, doing new things, keeping up with trends. There are even still people doing their old 2014-style videos and still getting respectable views and have good interaction with their audiences. This just - yet again - whiffs of Beckie moaning that she never made it big, because she couldn't be arsed putting effort in to try.
Also, her long ramble... "don't let the apps dictate what you do" she says as she literally laments the death of IG and how she finds it harder to use. I don't get it. "I don't find it comfortable to share anymore" she says as she goes on to say "if you love X keep doing X". Sounds like it's another you problem, Beckie.
IG is changing, sure, and apps are changing, I get it. But don't bleeping moan about stuff when it's also you who can't be arsed putting energy or effort in.