This is from the AI Scammer page posted by anonymous. Read the paragraphs....according to Val they have a trust for Jess and guardians lined up! And who believes that? Not me...
I watched a bit of this video.... It's funny seeing how happy Val is when she's seeing the stars and dollars roll in from her big build Jessica a deck AND donate to Jessica's next Disney vacation ( it was her 23rd time going to Disney) it's all.smiles when the SCAMS run smoothly.
This was is March 2021 by the Deck was built in May 2021 after Nathan and Dana matched the donations Val managed to scam online from 3 different platforms ...and Nathan, Campbell and Grandad, were the ones who built it...for free...of course.
Then during Covid they went to Disney that October 2021....then as soon as they got home announced they were moving.....they talked about it alot...even packing videos ...and Jessica obsessing over it..then radio silence about the actual sale ( Because it was to the porn stars her daughter in law Sarah and Madison...who in the video about the Deck Valerie bragged about him being a Doctor! Then corrected herself saying 3rd yr. Resident ) which we know now is just one of The Brooks Crooks MANY lies. Madison AKA Serleocross had already started his porn fetish career...according to his wife's Sarah AKA Loracross interviews all over youtube, her bio in fetish modeling, fetish, porn, all over the internet , as early as 2019... That's 2 years before Vals video.
Lies, lies, lies,
She knew...and that's why she doesn't show his face anymore, or why she hid the fact he bought Vals house...and that's why we don't see his face in Italy with Hannah ...because Val thinks no one will make the connection ...way too late for that. We have all seen more than his face...
They moved into Campbells a year after the Deck was built everyone donated for Jessica's deck that she used for a couple months one summer and then was used and still is for Fetish Porn productions.
Interestingly enough it's stated the home is RESIDENTIAL...not COMMERCIAL so running a business out of that residence is illegal.
If it's an " office" for one person you may apply for a permit with no issue. But...if it requires employees to be present in the home or you're making and distributing a product ( like movies with actors) have excessive noise and foot traffic... It's not permitted. In's illegal if the residence is not changed or updated to a commercial property with the correct zoning.
This is VERY interesting and worth a phone call...I'm sure there's a 1-800 number .
In the video Jessica is deplorable,rude, mean, nasty, mouthy, feral, ungrateful and Val is unphazed because all she sees is dollar signs and she's getting away with her scams ...
Then fast forward to videos of recent ....Vals hiding, miserable, lost her patience, looks like a rung out dish rag and scrambling to cover her bases before filing her taxes desperately trying to get away with her lies, fraud and scams that she knows are all unravelling around her and being made very public.
We ALL see you Brooks Crooks.