Well-known member
She mentioned that she was off to meet her only best friend's newborn
@jasminebarcelonaWho is her best friend?
Who is her best friend?
But not on this one…I think she’s put the boots were gifted at the bottom of that post. Does that cover the requirements?
Random question but did she pass her driving test? Haven’t seen her in a car recently
Random question but did she pass her driving test? Haven’t seen her in a car recently
Let's not forget her friend diagnosed her with blepharospasm, so she may not be licensed to drive anymore She blinks so much she's actually dangerousShe did but she prefers to be chauffeured. She has anxieties
Random question but did she pass her driving test? Haven’t seen her in a car recently
She hasn’t been seen in the car since she asked for car seat advicethat she chose to ignore
Aw I just finished work ( actual music gig ) rushed to see the “ DJ “ footage. She NEVER disappoints Gold
Lovely Day x
If I can do it, remember anyone can. Just quit your jobs, guys. Give yourselves two months… lovely day xM
I hope you’ve done a ‘course’ - otherwise you don’t count!
All the big rock stars and DJs have done a course, I bet.